

Petrichor: chapter 1:Customary
It was a Sunday morning. I woke up a little earlier than my usual time.I was sitting on an arm chair,trying to enjoy my ginger honey tea.Almost slouching, stretched legs,eyes half opened,my whole world was in that cup.This is just me but others can find solace, their peace in coffee or a healthy cup of warm water.Anything that puts your mind at peace.
I could see Mrs and Mr Daya Desai along with their Dachshund Daisy.I wonder if they did it deliberately so just to make people interested and then somehow BANG!!! bring out the details of poetic devices that are still very confusing to many of us. A retired English Lecturer 's thrill.
we exchanged the usual Hi/Hello,I must say that it is lovely to see both of them almost every day ,walking hand in hand trying to live to the fullest.I never heard them bickering....always smiling. I wonder what did they add , subtract and multiply to reach this awesome equation of life. Life has been so tough at all the points ... it seems sadly but not in the case of Desai's. Even bloody dog's attitude is sublime.God knows.
Mrs Desai was a very beautiful lady. I mean a contentful life can make your beauty double. Right?? If you past by their house you can always smell something from their kitchen window...sweet aroma of Halwas,sautéed masalas for achaar...it's an orgasm for all senses...trust me on this.Mr Desai is one lucky husband. As for him...um....I have doubts.He looks pouty....bald...not necessarily a handsome man but may be his Beauty lies in the inside?? let Mrs Desai be the judge of it.He was the incharge of Daisy's regular walks.Both complimented each other....in their promenade.

© Ujwala