

Granny's VS Taehyung's fake TEETH SET 😋🤣
It was late December in 2065, you were an old granny / grand pa (whatever) with winters on your hair and wrinkles everywhere. 😂 All of your teeth have fallen.🤪 So you used to wear a fake teeth set. 😜 Then every one can hear you well. Sometimes you shake as you know old age facts.

Winter hits in December so badly and you wanted to eat an ice cream. (EATING AN ICE CREAM IN WINTER!!!! WHAT A NICE IDEA😂🤣🤣 GRANNYYYYYY😂😂😂 YOU NICE KEEP GOING🤣)Being an old granny in 2065, you did modern fashion. Before leave for an ice cream, you wear heavy make up and phone was something you've never leave. So you take your phone with you just incase to upload a new photo to insta. 😂

You walk few metres. Ice cream shop was another few metres away. Now you are on the middle of the way...