

You are Wattson. You’re excited to see what’s new in season 5. The drop ship arrives and you head straight to where Skull Town used to be. At first, you’re having fun. There are new structures and cool changes. But as the match goes on, you start to feel uneasy, as if you are being watched. You look around but you can’t see anyone. You try to shrug it off, but the feeling remains.

You notice there seems to be a hallway in the side of the cliff around the hole that recently opened up. You take a zip line made by your buddy pathfinder down to the hallway to check it out.

It’s weirdly dark in the hallway. There are only a few flickering lights, but other than that, the only light is that from Pathfinder’s season 3 battle pass peacekeeper skin. You move slowly and cautiously. Because it’s so dark, there could easily be an enemy hiding in a corner waiting to ambush you. After about 30 seconds, you see a light at the end of the tunnel. You think it must be the other end, and now you’ll be able to get out and see the sky again, but as you get closer, you realize this is false.

You hear the hum of hundreds of lightbulbs and other machinery from the light source. You step out of the hallway and into a well lit circular room. In the center of the room, on a suspended platform is a large desk with buttons all over it. To the right and left, front and back of the desk, there are walkways over a large pit leading to other rooms, with one leading back to your hallway. You approach the center console cautiously.

The feeling intensifies.

As you get nearer, you can see into the rooms on the left and right. They are lined with strange robots and weapons. You look up to see even more robots hanging on racks, but these ones look familiar. You look closer and realize with a start that they are all Revenant, but without the hood. You are a little creeped out, but they don’t seem to be on, and they don’t seem like they have ever turned on, as there is a thick layer of dust on each one, so you stop paying attention to them.

When you reach the center console, you notice a large switch labeled “On/Off” You flip it, assuming that it will turn on the console and maybe a screen so you can see what’s going on. You are mistaken.

As soon as you flip the switch, red lights begin to flash and a loud voice announces, “INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!”

Startled, you take a step back, but then you proceed to fidget with the center console to disable the alarm. You are so focused on your task, that you don’t notice the other loud noises to your left and right until Pathfinder taps your shoulder.

“Hi friend,” he says. “Sorry to bother you, but I think we have guests!”

He points to the left and right with the same hand somehow and you notice them. The strange looking robots you saw earlier are moving. They are grabbing the weapons and beginning to advance on you. You and pathfinder crouch down next to the console to try and figure out what to do next. You start to give up up, when suddenly you hear a loud creak from both sides. The ground shakes beneath you.

The walkways from the robots to the center console had rusted over the years, and the weight of the robots on the walkway had been enough to collapse them. Unfortunately, it didn’t collapse evenly on both sides, so the center began to wobble. The walkway to the place back were you had come started to bend.

You and pathfinder run forwards, as that is the only stable path remaining. You barely make it into the next hallway before the final walkway becomes obstacle and collapses. The entire platform fall down the pit. You hear the distant crash of it hitting the bottom a few seconds later.

As you calm down from the immense terror you just felt, you notice that the feeling of being watched is stronger than ever. You look all around: down the pit, down the hall, up on the ceiling, but you can’t see anything.

The lights in the main room are shut off. The only light is from the flickering lights in the hallway since Pathfinder put away his peacekeeper to run faster. You travel down the hall, hoping to find an exit. You notice doors spaced evenly on either side every 20 meters or so, but the rooms they lead to are pitch black and the doors are locked, so you move on.

The feeling grows.

The feeling is so intense at this point that you tell Pathfinder, to see if he is experiencing anything similar.

“I can’t feel anything” he replies happily.

You realize that talking to pathfinder about feelings was probably not your best idea.

Suddenly, the lights shut off. You can’t see anything. You ask Pathfinder to get out his peacekeeper, so you can have some light.

The red glow is enough that you can see his face and yours. At this point the feeling is so strong that you no longer have any doubt that there was someone else with them.

“Pathfinder” you say. “I don’t think we are alone in here.”

“You’re not.” Says pathfinder in a strangely deep voice.

“Pathfinder. Is your voice malfunctioning?” You say, reaching for him.

Suddenly he falls to the side, with exposed wires protruding from his neck, sparking uselessly. You realize with horror that it was not Pathfinder who had spoken.

As pathfinder’s body falls, you see two glowing red dots where Pathfinder has been standing. The glow of the peacekeeper is enough for you to see a hoodless Revenant, with fingers long and sharp as knives standing there.

“You should have stayed home today”, says another voice behind you.

You jump and turn around and find yourself staring into another pair of glowing red eyes.

You scream in terror as more and more pairs of red eyes pop up all around you. You take a step back, and accidentally step on Pathfinder’s peacekeeper. It goes off and takes out your other leg.

As you lie on the ground, surrounded by Revenant’s and bleeding profusely, your vision begins to go dark.

“Papa.” You say, softly. “I’ll finally get to see you again.”

“No, you won’t.” Says a Revenant behind you.

“I’ve seen the other side.” Says a Revenant on your left.

“There’s nothing.” Says a third revenant, right in your ear.

You wail in despair as you are impaled from all sides.

The end...

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