

Chapter 1

Meanwhile Stacy was home and she called on one her siblings they were identical twins with a twist one was a boy and the other a girl even thou they were opposite sex twin at times it was really hard to tell them apart because they tend to switch and act like each other nobody could understand how a boy could look exactly like a female, her brother Toni loved being different and unique it got him to be both male and female, Toya was the girl but Stacy mostly ran to Toni for advice they were just a year younger than her but she had a love for her family that it was unbreakable. Toni is very brilliant number one in everything he touches he was perfection to its finest but he had a skill that only Stacy knew about not even his twin sister was aware that he could hacked every and anything especially into satellites and networks and Stacy wanted him to find out how Brian was spending his money; where he as been and with who, he refused to tell her who he gotten pregnant, Stacy will find out on her own with the help of her dear talented brother. Toni arrived at the house and he was so excited to see his sister to tell her some excited news. The door bell ran and Stacy open the door to let Toni In and he was stunning he wasn't dress as Toni today but has Electra and when he's Electra he likes to be address as such. The only exception was made to his sister but she always respected his wishes and called him Electra and not Toni. He was very beautiful tall curly hair that reaches his/her shoulder piercing brown eyes, skin so soft and light skin, legs as refine and long as the river Nile, petite body, cherry lips and a devilish smile to go with all that, he look like art. Having biracial parent's to him was the best thing that happen to them, everywhere they went people would stare and comment how beautiful they were.

Stacy: Hi Toni! I mean Electra I miss you

Electra: I miss you too plus I have great news to tell you as well.

Stacy: I can't wait to hear it, but Toni is it necessary to be Electra I don't know if I will ever get use to you acting as two person you're already a twin isn't that enough.

Electra: I can't explain it sis but this is just who I am and want to be plus besides that I love being Toni I get all the pretty girls.

Stacy: lol! Your so silly but I love you anyways I want you to do something for me and when you do it's just between us.

Electra: ok sis anything for you but before you start I've got accepted into the marines.

Stacy: Why? No! No! No! What happened to your dream about becoming a artist, and owning your own fashion business. The army....

Electra: This is what I want nobody ever saw the masculine part of me I've know I was always different and mom and dad never once let me felt unloved or different they encourage me but I want to be like dad to show him that I'm a man just as much as a woman.

Stacy: But you don't have to go into the army to show paps that, he understands you more than you think and he's not ashame of who you are either. He just don't like your spilt personality it confuses him sometimes he still don't get use it as yet but give him time.

Electra: I'm willing to change for dad I want him to remember me as his son not another daughter I'm the only boy in the family, I want to be Electra when I tell him the news myself that's the sacrifice I'm willing to make for my dad to be Toni Crane junior.

Stacy: ok I support your wishes but before you go off playing soldier I want you to track Damion credit card movement, where he's been going what he been doing or buying and who he's spending money on.

Electra: Why? You've never spied on Damion ever.

Stacy: Hmm! He cheated on me and gotten someone else pregnant and refuse to tell me who she is so I want you to find that out for me and when you do I'll take it from there.

Electra: He did what? You must be joking Damion would never do such things he loves you like crazy girl. Damion as no evil bones in him.

Stacy: That's because you don't know

Electra: know what! Is there something I should know, you never keep secrets from me ever.

Stacy: I did because I didn't want you to kill Damion.

Now when Electra heard her sister saying that she transformed into Toni took out her earring wipe off the makeup took off her heels and was all masculine and stern just in that moment. He was so angry right now Stacy was shaken so hard that he held his sister in his arms and try to calm her down but she was mostly afraid to tell her brother because she knew what he capable of doing and deep down she loved her husband but should she tell her brother about it, she decided it was too late not to tell him because she already spilled out too much information and he's not going to let it slide that easily. She step back out of her brother grasp and said.

Stacy: You know I was always ahead in studies went to college at age 15 so I was ahead of Damion. He loved the idea of having a genius wife that I could accomplished like five different career in no time and he wanted me to succeed he became obsessed with the idea because I was always ahead of him. When he finally got to medical school I was already a doctor in my second year and I had gotten pregnant I was so happy because I wanted a family a career and everything was coming to past but Damion was so angry he said he didn't want any kids that they were going to be distraction for us and his career hasn't even started as yet to become a father so I must abort it. I was devastated when he said that but two weeks past and he didn't speak to me or touch me so I had an abortion he was happy and started to make crazy love to me, six months after I got pregnant again and he wanted the same procedure again and I did it. In total he made me aborted 4 pregnancy and when I got pregnant the fifth time I decided that I'm keeping this one, Damion became Satan himself he stress me, tormented me everyday he put something in my food to eat and I lost the baby. I had to go to therapy and I cried for months and then he told me about two days ago that he's getting a child from some slut after killing all my kids.

Tears were flowing down Stacy and Toni eyes they both were bawling so hard. Toni muscle was getting hard under the embrace of his sister. He was so angry that he wanted to kill Damion, he had no idea that is dear sister was going through so much and all because her husband was being selfish and jealous over his wife career. He taught Damion loved his sister but guess he was only in her life for his own benefit not like Stacy needed a career. Wealth surrounds her and her siblings each as a trust fund from both their parents. They don't have to work they choose to because they want to be independent. Toni was going to make Damion pay for his attack on his sister and find out the bimbo he got pregnant but for now all he wanted to do is to take away his sister pain.

Toni: Calm down wheres your laptop let's get to work on finding out who this tramp is and put a end to all this madness.

Stacy: It's right in that draw in the corner you already know the past word.

Toni: Ok give me a second....I'm in give me Damion Social security numbers and his credit card number and I will take it from there.

Stacy: Ok let me get the info for you here it is I have if written down in this book.

Toni: Ok, good girl that's all I need, so for the past month he's been going to an Hotel by the name of Seizure Stars and he paid for accommodation for two him and his wife Stacy Backwood.

Stacy: What? He carries his bimbo in my name, that's it how will I know who she his Tony if he's using my name.

Toni: This is Toni Crane you talking to, have I ever failed you yet all I have to do is tap into the security feed and we will see who the misery lady is and here we go, there she is.... what the fuck!

Stacy: What is it let me see who it is, no that can't be Jake that isn't who I think it is.

Toni: Don't call me Jake I hate that name you know that.

Stacy: Toni that's Toya I'm seeing maybe they just ran into each other, continue to check to see if he paid for anything or bought anything in a female name with his card.

Toni: Yes he did!

Stacy: And! who is it?

Toni: Yes he bought a BMW for one Christian Toya Crane my twin sister our sister....

At that moment both were lost for words all Toni saw when he look at his sister was pure rage and anger has she collapse to the floor, he ran to catch her and as he was about to call the ambulance Damion walked into the house.
© Keryiann Mcneil