

It Doesn't Sound Over
I walk to the car and ride
to my lounge
but when I go in
there is ketchup everywhere
An my cups an glasses are on
The floor
What is this
Who had a party in here without me
And why was ketchup the graffiti
weapon of choice
All I saw two bottles of champagne
wine glasses
Then I saw it a man an woman
Oh no
They were not sleep so I walk outside
the place
And used my cellphone to call
police hi I own this lounge
on the upper side of town
And to dead body's are in it
Come to Saltgreen lake drive.
So I wait outside
And they drive up
But the cops investigate
The tell me The two died
because of bad wine an old pot roast
It was that but if you have anymore
of this wine get rid of it.
You don't have to tell me twice.
So I can't open or get any work
done today so I go to the counter
And get my jacket
Also I think why break into a lounge
Eat drink then pass.
Then I think if I had drank that wine
before I had closed yesterday
I would be dead and I could never
pick my jacket up off the counter
An live another day. So before I drive
off I call the makers of the wine and tell them what happened
An they say we are no longer in business.
A claim number for the deaths of our
I am sorry for your loss
I am the lawyer for this company.
I will speak with you
Well people in my lounge died because
of your product and I got a whole case
And a half of this stuff
So can I have a claim number
Yes as he talks to her his eyes change
number is 0999000666 but when filing
your claim I go by the last 3 numbers
do you always lay your coat on the
Counter lounge owner
No bye
Then I hang up I don't think
I want to collect that kind of claim
Meanwhile the lawyer on the other
end of that call says until we meet
again then he disappeared and the phone fell on the floor.