

The Golden Mystery Chapter 3

What will I find there?? The question finally came to my mind.
Should I take the risk? Should I go to my dad's room??
I knew where the keys were and I knew how to get there. I have memorized this house like the back of my palm.
I looked at the clock showing 2:30am, it's penetrating chime urging me to give up or take a step.
So what was stopping me??
Despite all consequences, I pushed them back, my curiosity and courage taking the best of me.
I kept the book on the table, took my phone, and went to the corridor.
Moonlight dancing on the walls of the corridor, bathing me as I crept along the corridor of the house which was a storehouse of mysteries in itself.

I went to the my grandfather's room, slowly cracked the door open making sure not to make a single sound. I went to the portrait of my grandfather with my father and behind the picture the bunch of steel keys shined in the moonlight.
Slowly taking the keys in my palm which could barely cover them, I went out of the room.
But before exiting the room I looked around.... something was oddly calm...so peaceful...so serene... hiding something so perfectly...my grandfather in his own mind... dreaming of who knows what...
But I need to find what lies in the shadows.

I looked at the keys and breathed the air around as if so precious and let down a heavy sigh...
I made my way to my father's room and stood in front of the door. It felt like time had stopped, letting me question myself.
I slid the key which had the letter "A" engraved in bengali.
I slid the key into the lock and turned it...It was hard to turn as I expected...After all someone was finally visiting the room after ten years....
I opened the room, flash light in my hand and went in the room where my dad resided in his early years.

The room felt so familiar yet still so unknown, with still so much in store for me to know. It was coated with thick layers of dust and cobwebs hanging in every corner.

I first went to his study table. There were books on the genres my dad liked a few pens and some old antique stuff that I couldn't help but wonder at.
So far, nothing useful on the table. I opened the drawers, first one had a few documents, and the second one had a journal. I took both the contents. The third drawer was locked, I tried with the keys from the bunch but none worked.
Having failed in the attempt to open the drawer, I went to the cupboard and opened it.
Nothing. It was totally empty but it looked like the contents were recently taken.

Although whoever had taken the contents had left me an album, so having it as my only source of evidence, I took it.
Then I searched the rest of the room but found nothing. The most bizzare was that anything that would have been useful had been removed.

Looking at my phone I saw it was 3:57am. I've spent almost one and a half hours doing all this. Quickly closing everything, I made my way to keep the bunch of keys in my grandfather's room.

When I reached my room. I cleaned everything I raided and was about to launch myself on my bed, I saw a piece of paper. As I touched it, I felt that it was wet. Quickly turning on the light bulb of my room I saw that my red bedsheet had a darker spot and my fingers were.....red.
"No, it can't be blood" I reassured myself.
But I was not convinced...

I read the paper."Do Not Do Anything" it read. I kept the paper in my diary as evidence.
I started to change my sheets. Once I was done, I saw the sun rising, I hadn't slept the whole night. I hid the items I got from that room and layed on my bed. I tried to stay awake but my eyes started to close on their own.
I didn't know when to slept cause I was woken by my alarm.
6:30am. I got ready for college and went downstairs.
© Aishi Dey Talukdar