

No one noticed
Did you think if everyone were to go insane all at once, would the world notice?


No one cares about the person lying dead on the street. (commonality)

The first thing we do is take a picture of the person lying dead on the ground and then we post it on social media - even before the family has been notified. (ignorance)

Mutations of every living species simply because we've polluted our own water source. (evil doers)

Cancer stricken society caused by us again.
(dying world)

Homelessness growing due to inflation which has caused a ripple effect that continues to widen. (heartless)

Food crisis where we are unable to properly feed our family due to the rising cost of food. (greed)

A black child is shot twice because he knocked on the wrong door. (racism)

Supporting a man who was willing to destroy what little democracy this country had. (stupidity)

Living on a planet that is being destroyed by mankind with no aid of any outside forces. (callous)

With just a few issues of our insanity actions it's important to hold on to your own mind. (peace)

So now, it looks as if the world has already gone insane. (death)

We all have lost this battle and the flight of life destructive forces has taken root and it now has control over mankind. (overpowered)

And no one noticed!

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