

my desire for love
All my life I've been waiting for the love of my life to locate me.I'm that lady who believes in love I've always wanted to beloved but I don't know how to explain without being too desperate. I don't want to be seen as a desperate lady but not everyone seems to understand my needs. I'm that lady who loves to be in her room just by herself just sitting on the bed and looking at the mirror wishing my“ unknown ”lover would appear and take me away unknown because I love him but he doesn't know, more like a crush. I don't know his name but I've seen him acouple of times,he knows my name but his, is something I can't keep in mind.
I have the permission to go outside but I don't like it, So much eyes around I just want my lover to come over to the house. All this fantastic in my head as I stare at the mirror in front of me, that mirror always made me smile it gives me hope that my unknown lover would love me like I love myself.
As I stare to the mirror like I do every other day I saw an image in the mirror it looks familiar but before I could turn I didn't see it. I was so terrified, of course, it was the only one in the room who could it be? I was so scared to move wondering who that could be then a voice came from behind. I said to my self could that be the lover? was he here for me? was he ready to take me? but no it wasn't him it's my brother whom was sent to call me for dinner.I asked my self why wasn't he there when I turned. my head still wondering what had happened when I heard a yell from outside “Are you still coming or do you want to be severed in your room” yes in my room I yelled back.
After a while my food was brought to my room and later taken back to the kitchen.The mirror still at my front and the person reflection on my mirror this time I stood up to touch the reflection without turning back. But the reflection was from the picture on the wall if I turn back I will obstruct the light and therefore the picture doesn't get to reflect on the mirror what a sad news to realize I await when my unknown lover would come for me