

When God received my offering
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:When God received my offering I was showered with His blessings

Dear brothers and sisters,i great You in the Name of the living Lord "Messiah"...may the Holy Spirit Himself fill you with the spirit of understanding.

I love you and He loves you,therefore I don't feel sad when He (the Holy Spirit) instruct me to do good to those whom He chooses.

Dear brethren,i pray you allow me to tell you what makes me glorify the living God "Jehovah the Maker of all things visible and invisible".

Firstly,i say to God who sees and hears:
Father,You are Great.
Father,You are not far from those who believe Your existence and power.
Truly,the humble You exalts.
Those who sing Your praises in faith You reward them.
Your Son Jesus Christ have never been a liar...forever He will be the way,truth and life (John 14:6).
You are the living Father who listen quickly the words of those who call you through Your Son Jesus Christ.
You are the Father who rejoice by hearing Your children calling the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Father,the spirit commanded me to share the living testimony,but my spirit is filled with Your praises.

Please do not punish me by pausing the praises which the Holy Spirit filled me with,because at the same time I shall share the living testimony for the sake of my brethren.

Here we go:
I am that person who never understood the "Thanksgiving",one day I decided to start giving God the 10% of the things that I obtain.
Suddenly,the thief came and fought that spirit,i did not defend it for i was weak.

God saw my heart burning for the truth,for that makes Him rejoice in high above.

He sent an angel through the believer whom we grew up together...the spirit of the living God spoke through him,He (the Holy Spirit) taught me about the "Thanksgiving"...and the spirit reminded me that every new year "I ask my brethren to pray for me,in order for God to bless my employment,and to also work to gain something", surely they do,i convinced myself...

As the Holy Spirit taught me a good lesson,i sent my 10% back at Church,they were filled with joy that at least "we have one more person who understand the thanksgiving",they presented my offering to God, I mean the Supreme God.

When God stretched His hand to receive the offering of His poor servant,i saw the rain being poured down,and it wasn't just a rain,they were blessings.

God has given me the blessings which are heavy to carry,i feel like saying that I am not ready to carry these kind of blessings,but His will cannot fail to place everything orderly.

The God whom is denied by many,He lives...and whoever turn to Him He welcomes.
Whatever is placed on His table,He receives...and when He receive,the giver also receives,he will be celebrating for receiving the blessings from Almighty God but He says "I haven't blessed you,yet","keep on placing the sweetest fruits on my altar and the world shall follow your God for seeing how Jehovah has rewarded you".

Be faithful to Almighty Father,He will be the best Father to you.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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