

Wings of Reckoning - Chapter Four: "Arrival"
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Grayson is standing in the gateway with couple of the dragon folks and humans guards dressed in silver armor that decorated with Kasander's family's crest. He had changed into clean clothes after he had cleaned up horse feces for being punished for insulted King's Swordman's daughter. Now he is wearing black slacks, black vest, black shirt, black tie, black suit jacket, black shoes with white socks and black shoes with white stripes. Grayson had his dark blond hair combing back from his forehead, his dark blond eye brows furrowed and his lips were pulled into a thin line, he look at the dragons.

'I can't believe I am around by these damn lizards,' Grayson thought. 'What's taking that weakling of my cousin so long? I hope he didn't screw around with his stupid pet lizard.'

The dragon and humans servants around in the crowd. Grayson and the guards are center in the crowd. His uncle is there with Corvin. The King's second wife, Elieen. She is in her 40s and have long,red hair. She's wearing a emerald green that laced with gold. Kasander don't like his stepmother that much and he finds her very strict and annoyed, because she tried to begged him to go outside to play with other human childrens than tidying around in his lab or playing with his pet lizard that Grayson despited the most.

The Air bump has landed on the gates and opened up. Its trunk to reveal a group of people. They climb out and walked straight in front of him as if he is their lord and master. They stop when they reached him.

There's a tall girl has appears in front of the walkway of the air bimp and Grayson thought she is a beautiful girl that he ever seen. She is in her nineteenth and she's wearing a ton of makeup. Her golden blond-streaked hair is putted up in the some form of beehive that have tigerlilies. Her two-part peach dress is decorated with fabric flowers and gold. Her waist is squeezed tight to made her chest bigger than her body. She have puffy shoulder sleeves and there's bows are covering straight down on the white line of her dress. Her right arm is covered with a laced glove and her left arm looks made of porcelain and golden mechanical parts like bolts and gears. It decorated with some kind of clear glass gemstones.

Grayson stepped forward to the fancy-dressed girl and held her mechanic hand with his right hand, then he kissed it. He looks up at her and he says, "Hello my greetings, my lady Narcissa."

She begins to smiled at him; then she says, "It had been awhile, Gray." When she's walking off the walkway, there was three little brass gnome-like mechanical servants are carrying her dress that's dragging her behind back.

There's a tall thin, slender man with a mechanical bronze leg and he's walking with an golden crane that have a head of dragon on it. He is wearing a white vest and red jacket that decorated with gold. He is wearing gold touslers and dark brown boots. He have salt and pepper hair, his beard have been finely trimmed with long sideburns. "Hello, Grayson, it had been awhile," the man with the crane said. "Where's your uncle?" Then he asked.

King Nickolas has appears and talks to the, "Hello, Ramond, remember our bargain?"

"You will get those dragons after the wedding," Ramond said. "I want to introduce you to my sons, Narcissa's brothers, and my lovely wife Isabelia."

There's three tan-colored mens stood behind Ramond among with a boy who's the same age as his cousin Kasander and an attractive middle-aged woman, who's like a splitting older version of Narcissa but with black hair with a silver strain. The middle-aged woman who's wearing a black skimpy dress that's too tight around her waist with red dress line and a black webbed choker around her neck. Her hair is up in the bun.

"This is my eldest son, Viktor," He said when he pointed to the man in mid thirties. He is in medical field and he's wearing a spec over his right blue eye. He is wearing a hunter green vest and light brown jacket with the white undershirt is underneath it. He also has dark blue trousers, which has leather belt that's shaped like the wings of an eagle. On top of the coat, he have some kind of black pants and black shoes. His dark brown hair slicked back and he gives off a sinister look. "He's work in the medical field. You might said that he's the 'doctor' of the family," Ramond said then contiune on and pointed to the tall tan mascular guy with cropped-cut black hair in early thirties. "That's my second oldest is Zacharas. He is specialized with weaponry," Ramond.

" Nice to meet you," said Zacharas, he helds out his left hand to Grayson. Zacharas looks like a general and lumberjack. He have sharp brown eyes and there's a hugh scar is covered across his face that looks like a claw mark. He's wearing dark red undershirt that halfthrough unbuttoned to his hairy bared chest. Maybe he thinks women will might find him very attractive.

But Grayson knows that if he tries, no woman would like this kind of man.
When Grayson shake his hand and smile at him, Grayson saw that this man's face looked serious and stern, not the usual smiling face. And Zacharas look at him coldly with a cold gaze. He was like a person who has no feelings and nothing is more important than him. "Nice to meet you, " Grayson said.

"Oh, I am freaking hungry, man," the chubby man with black curly hair said. He's in late or mid-twenty. He is wearing a white buttoned up shirt with the top open. He have a brown vest over it with a black shirt with red stripes. "Do you know any restaurants that serve food from earth?"

"Shut your mouth, Rustiel," Viktor hissed.

"Geez, Sorry, Vik," said chubby man. The Chubby man's name has revealed to be Rustiel.

"That's my third oldest son Rustiel," Ramond said. "He's a mechanic and engineer of the family. He's mostly work on machines." Then Ramond putted on his left hand on the Black-haired boy with the little mechanical spider then he says, "This is my youngest son Jarrell. He's the little eletromancer in the family." Jarrell have

"He even is attending at Minervanian Academy," said his wife Isabelia, standing next to her daughter Narcissa with mechanical gnome-like mechanical servants.

"My youngest boy is the genius," Ramond replied.

"So same as mine," Nickolas said.

"Anyway, Where's your anyway?," asked Ramond. "He's going to be my future son-in-law."

"Here's I am," a young man's voice said from the crowd.

Grayson has recognized that voice, it's his cousin Kasander. He's coming out of the crowd in hurry.

"Sorry that we are late," said Kasander. He is wearing a dark red velvet coat with a clean white ruffled shirt and light brown vest. He is wearing the white bloomer pants. His light Brown hair is groomed back.

"We had to made a order for the wedding cakes,because the future groom wanted to be special," said the raven-haired girl. She turned and nodded at his cousin then winked at him.

Grayson got disgusted that his pet lizard is there with him that it disguised itself as a raven-haired human girl that's wearing a midnight blue dress with a white silk skirt.

"Did someone had says 'cake'?," Rustiel asked with a surprise look.