

A Boy and His Sticks (a short story)
An adorable 3-year-old, toe-headed boy asked his daddy if he could go outside to play.

He went outside and walked right past the trucks and planes that daddy had taken outside for him to play with and picked up a stick.

The little tot asked his daddy if he had a baseball. Daddy said, "I'm sorry, little buddy, but no."

The darling boy was not fazed and picked up another stick.  He asked his daddy, "Can we play hockey?"

Sadly, daddy tells him that they have no puck.

This doesn't stop the little scamp and he energetically began gathering a bunch of sticks.

Daddy snickered and asked his son, "Wat-cha do-in?"

His boy said, "We need to build a fire. Do we have any hotdogs?"

Daddy gave his little man a great big, giggly smile and said, "Now, those we do have!"

The starry-eyed wee lad jumped for joy and thought that his daddy had hung the moon.

d. nelson 10/14/2020