Age had not fallen upon the world till the Red God bled of cosmic consciousness and possibility. Exiled by the Ten Eyes of the universe, he had emerged into the instinctive shadowy planet that had no name, eventually to have realized his horrid damaging.
There he emerged,——vigintillions of supreme years had passed since King Castros had sat down on the gilded throne at the end of time to begin the new timeliness, and the Red God had attempted to slay him. An exultation, however, rose inside of the blood-coloured deity still. A god, he had been. But there he was stronger——he was his own king! He thought he was the ruler of the nameless planet.——
He had been a slave of Time itself no longer, so he laughed. Who was to stop him? His damaging was unimportant, he thought, and the Red God walked through the unpleasurable scarlet desert of cosmic dust. He knew he was doomed, but he did not care.
Then there, as he roamed through the old desert, he found a small barbaric tribe of lawless aliens, and they had attacked him fearsomely. Their speed and skill was incredible! Yet out of the blue, very...
There he emerged,——vigintillions of supreme years had passed since King Castros had sat down on the gilded throne at the end of time to begin the new timeliness, and the Red God had attempted to slay him. An exultation, however, rose inside of the blood-coloured deity still. A god, he had been. But there he was stronger——he was his own king! He thought he was the ruler of the nameless planet.——
He had been a slave of Time itself no longer, so he laughed. Who was to stop him? His damaging was unimportant, he thought, and the Red God walked through the unpleasurable scarlet desert of cosmic dust. He knew he was doomed, but he did not care.
Then there, as he roamed through the old desert, he found a small barbaric tribe of lawless aliens, and they had attacked him fearsomely. Their speed and skill was incredible! Yet out of the blue, very...