

She took me by surprise.

© Agustin

[This story is based in the Philippines]
[This is translated from Tagalog to English]
[This is an original story of mine]

Their was an old man named Manuel peacefully reading his newspaper of the day when the door bell rang. There at the door were his grandchildren happily greeted and mano as they entered.(an "honoring-gesture" used in Filipino culture performed as a sign of respect to elders and as a way of requesting a blessing from the elder.)

He closed the door and went to his chair once again.

"Why does every single girl in school is just the same?" Jacob said while sighing in disappointment.

"They're not". Responded Joshua his twin brother as he rolled his eyes at him.

"Joshua is right Jacob". He said agreeing with Joshua as he crossed his arms.

"How so Grandpa?" Asked Jacob with a raised eyebrow, curiosity is evident in his eyes.

"You see I was just like you at your age and it brings me back to does days when I met a girl". He said chuckling as he clearly remembered.

"A girl? who?" Asked Gilbert his 6 years old with his brother Adrian his 8 years old grandsons who just entered the room.

"Well how about a little story" He said to his grandchildren. As the little one's hurriedly climb to the sofa where the two teens were.

"Now listen very closely"



I was at College back then. Full of dreams and plans of my life. I was the 4th younger sibling out of all 10 of us at that time myself was a little immature.

I've been into 3 relationships and all of that had failed bacause of that I have thought that every females are the same. Not until I met this girl she was a 5th year student with many unthinkable dreams she hopes to accomplish.

I was 18 and she was 16 yet herself was so mature for her age. I thought that she was also like them but I was wrong. Other girls were wild in their teens, drinking, partying, doing what they want, sometimes doing dirty stuffs and not finishing their studies.

Yet she? she was the type of girl that was so shy an introvert at that. She studies well and had good grades, she thinks of others before herself, she follows the rules of her parents, and never she ever even liked alcohol nor cigarettes; it irritates her.

At that point I began to like her and so I befriended her. She agreed, many days, weeks, months had pass and the feeling of liking grew more than expected.

Then one day I confessed my feelings for her and she also feels the same.


"Did you two ended up together?" Asked Joshua as the others nodded.

"You'll see at the end of my story". He responded while chuckling as his grandchildren whined.


Yet despite of having the same feelings for each other. She wasn't allowed or had to be 18 to have a boyfriend. She has to finish her studies and so do I.

She was the only child of the family and because of that her parents are strict. And so we kept it private for now. As months pass our feelings for each other grew more and not noticing time we fell in love.

But speaking of love she was afraid, afraid to love again and so I assured her. She was the treasure I've been looking for and I'm not letting it washed away at sea again.

2 years had passed and I gathered up courage to face her parents. Believe it or not I was nervous at that time yet she was there just like natures beauty calming me.

Her parents somehow approved for now but still doesn't trust me fully and I know that.

'By winning the heart of the girl you must first win the two hearts that made hers.' -Agustin

I court her everyday, ask permission, and treat her like my queen. All of that happened in a year and finally her parents gave her the permission to decide.

That day I surprised her with flowers and a teddy bear. I also asked her friends to help me and they agreed.

That day was very special to me the girl that I like years ago finally became my girlfriend. We were so happy.

When she became my girlfriend she was so sweet and caring. She even went and supported me at my basketball practice and game. She cooked delicious meals everyday for me. She would always kiss me and tell me she loves me. She would always finds a way to make me smile or laugh, etc. She was everything I ever dreamed for. Being with the love of my life and being with her through our successful days.


"But kids remember it doesn't mean that you already won her you would change. Be the same as before still court her and love her the same, always". He said to his grandchildren.

"Yes Grandpa". They said in unison.

"And also It doesn't mean by being together would always stay happy there would always be ups and downs in relationships and life problems to be faced. Yet the two of you should be strong and solve one by one together". He added with a smile as they nodded understandingly.


As years passed by monthsarries and anniversaries were celebrated. We have stable jobs and businesses for income, we also have savings together.

I gathered up courage again to ask permission to marry her and be my wife. They agreed and I did everything again just like before when I asked her.

A week had passed and it was time to propose to her I was so nervous. And gladly she said YES. It was the greatest moment of my life.

March 26, 1945

She was 26 and I was 27 when we got married.


"Wow Grandpa I wish I could meet a girl like her". Jacob said dreamily.

"Yeah us too!" shouted the little one's.

"You two should first grow up and finish your studies". Joshua said to the young one's.

"Awww". Whined the two with sad faces.

"Joshua is right again Gilbert, Adrian now to fasten your growth let's eat". He said while chuckling as he entered the dining room as the others following behind.


"My heart maybe broken and bruised but my love for you can never be scratched into". -Agustin

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