

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 6:

Mono Ogria


When I came through the black portal it reminded me of a place I’ve never been to but yet, it feels so familiar. How odd, When I look at Moonight he says: “Yes It feels very familiar here, but let’s focus on finishing this training simulation and getting out of here, all you have to do is yell the words ‘FOR MONO OGRIA!!’ the name of our home planet. Then your sword, cloak, and shield will appear as well as my armor and saddle.” I wasted no time. “FOR MONO OGRIA!!”I shouted throwing my arms up. Then a dark blue flash of light came from my hands, my armor came on the gem resting in the center of my breastplate, glowing as softly as a full moonlight, beating to the rhythm of my heart. My obsidian sword, which I named Darkbringer, Was at my hip, my shield at my back, my impenetrable starlight cloak wrapped around me against the midnight breeze. I threw the cloak’s hood over my locks to keep warm. Just then an bone chilling howl came from the woods, Moonight fluffed up, the flickering crescent on his tail turning a dark purple as well as his eyes, his armor glinting harshly in the moonlight. “Who’s there, show yourself!” I call, regretting those words as soon as they leave my lips as two dark hulkish shadowy figures jump out of the dark wilderness their teeth bared. Moonight hissed and pawed at the ground in a mixture of fear, anger, and confusion. What are those things!!” I shout over the suddenly picking up wind. The midnight monsters crept closer and closer until Moonight and I came at them launching our attack, Me and Moonight attacked ferociously, me hacking away at them with Darkbringer as phantom moves that I never knew I could use kicked in, and Moonight biting and scratching, his claws making giant holes on the beast’s arms. we quickly dispatched the two-midnight creatures, their carcasses dissolving like an illusion. That was way too easy I think looking around at where the mysterious shadow creatures came from. "Soo is it over yet?" I ask Moonight my hood blowing off my head in the crisp midnight wind. “Something’s telling me, no it’s not,” Moonight says, his glowing eyes flickering in the darkness. “What do you mean?” I ask puzzled. Just then two skinny wisping figures came out of nowhere startling me into the midnight snow. What now!!?” I shout at Moonight as I got up brushing the snow off my trousers and cloak. “I believe these are called Nightmare Shadows and the other ones were Brute Shadows. I don’t know how I know this but somehow I do.” What a shocker I thought to myself as I grabbed Darkbringer and my shield, that I named ‘Moonweilder’ and I prepared to fight once more. As we fought together I feel a calming sensation come over me and my body movements become quicker and my senses sharpen I glance in Moonight’s direction for a split second and to my horror, he isn’t there “ Moonight where are you!!??” I shout as I parry a blow with Darkbringer. “I don’t know, what just happened all of a sudden I felt this calming sensation as we were fighting together then bam! I’m here looking through your eyes.” Moonight said, His voice echoing in my head.“Wow, no wonder I can see this well cool!” I said, my voice doubling ominously, Then I looked down at my side and you won't believe what I saw out of my peripheral vision, Yup it was a tail with a dark blue crescent flickering, and on my head was a pair of panther ears that looked just like Moonight’s. Wow I thought I can hear everything. As we attacked as one the Shadows started to retreat as if they were scared but we attacked relentlessly, Slashing and parrying with lightning-fast reflexes, Suddenly the Shadows turned and ran- rather slithered in the same direction the brutes came through, Me and Moonight chased after them as one, our speed doubled, and much to our surprise the Shadows disappeared leaving a dark blue glowing orb in their place. “That looks like the orb Max showed us.” I say my senses shifting back to normal, Moonight appearing in front of me in a flash of dark blue light.“ I think we might be done with this simulation Rave” Moonight says with conviction. “Hmm, I think you're right, So do I throw it or something?” I ask, moving the strange orb around in my hands. “Yes, I think you should throw it at the ground and see what happens.” Moonight says nodding his head. “Ok here goes!” I shout as I prepare to throw it at the ground “ Wait! Look over there, Rave!” Moonight said looking in the direction where those nightmare things disappeared to “What!?” I asked him in confusion “Look where!?” Then I saw it, a giant towering structure that looked like glass and obsidian. “What is that? Some type of tower or something?” I said perplexed “Let’s get a closer look I’m curious” As we get closer the structure gets bigger and bigger until we are standing in front of a massive obsidian castle with dark blue stained glass windows and a dark purple crescent on the door and engraved on the door were these strange letters that I’ve never seen before, but somehow I recognize them. “‘BELIEVE IN THE CRESCENT OF MONO OGRIA.’ ” I read. Suddenly the crescent glowed a soft dark blue light and the massive obsidian door opened and an ancient breeze blew past us “Should we go inside or what?” Asked Moonight, giving a nervous glance into the dark abyss beyond the door. “I don’t know.” I say staring at the blue orb that is resting in my palm. Suddenly the orb started glowing then it floated in the air and shot forward into the dark castle, Its light illuminating the area around it. “I think we should follow it .” I say to Moonight. He nods in agreement and we both sprinted into the mysterious castle after the strange dark blue orb.

© cooljaxon22