

World Of Savanna Part 5
After that reunion and all I had lose my words. OMG!! the whole mermaid family is here and they were staying next to our house! I returned to my senses when " Ok come on girls and boys, follow me. " Mrs Irine called us. Gently I took the steps. The weather was so sunny, the beautiful nature was so welcoming to us, and the cool gentle breeze was so soothing. The lake shone, as the sun spread it's light. It was like the shinning gems scattering all over the lake. I was mesmerized to that nature. " Seems u enjoying the mother nature so much Savanna?" My admiration got distracted by an attudinal voice. I noticed that, I walked up close to the lake unknowingly. I turned and found Fiodela and Erica. All the students had left, there were only we three standing. Fiodela continued, " Well.... now there is no one to interupt us girl. All has left.... Now I am thinking what should we do with you... Erica? " She asked. " Please stay away from me, don't u dare to come any closer. Please! " Gradually I moved backward. " What so fast little deer? " Erica spoke. " You don't know what you have gotten into Savi?" Fiodela gave a devilish smile.I was moving backward, backward and backward until I found myself drowning inside the water of the lake, then I remembered, I don't know how to swim. I started moving my legs and the hands quickly, I found difficult to breathe... I was covered with a blue layer of the water and struggling, struggling and struggling trying to catch the breath but I was choking. I could see the only thing that day and that was death. Death of me. " Seriously? Am I leaving the world forever? I would never going to see any of my close ones? Mum, dad, my sweet sisi Ema, my two mermaid friends Vanessa and Mariyam and the merman, my saviour Kamiel?
No, N.. no it can't be? " My mind couldn't think for long as my vision turned blurry, my mind was gradually drowning in a deep sleep. It was black infront of me, " SAVANNA!!! " I heard a familier voice.... I knew this voice.... It was Kamiel, accompanied by two other voices.
" HOLD ON GIRL, WE ARE COMING. " I knew them too, it was Vanessa and Mariyam. But I couldn't hold my consciousness longer and drowned into a deep sleep and before I was losing my conciousness I found the locket was shinning bright. A darkness enfulged me.

There were only fogs and my eyes can't see the place . Where am I? What's this place. I don't know. Am I dead? "Welcome to Meriad Coasta Village Savanna?" I heard a voice and wondering am I dreaming?" W..what? No this can't be... you? " Yes I... Savanna." She replied . G.. grandma? " I called up. Yeah dear, come, come to me. " " W.. where are you? " I asked " Cross that fog dear. If you can crossed that fog u can see me. " My Grandma suggested me. I had a mixed feeling, A feeling to meet again with my grandma, A feelings to hug her and crying on her shoulder and a 1000of questions to ask her. I tried to cross the fog and then a hand wrapped me from the other side of the fog and pulled me on her chest. I was crying. " G.. Grandma. " " Shhh it's ok dear. I am here with u... no need to be scared. All is normal now. " She assured me. I couldn't tell her any words just kept on crying like a child. She carressed me, " ok dear now listen very carefully." I looked up to my Grandma. "What grandma?" I asked." Well... I have only five mins to explain u that and after that I have to leave. "
Savanna: Nooooo! why Grandma?
Grandma : Savi, I am dead now, the "me "you are watching is just a soul.
I was speecless. She continued. " As I don't have much time left...so I can't tell u the whole story.... but my suggestion.... U will get your answers from the mermaid, Vanessa. Your past, your true identity"
Savanna : My true identity?

Grandma :Yeah and just remember, u r not a common girl."
And gradually she faded away in the air. " G.. Grandma! Grandma! No n.. no... NOOOOO " I screamed and got up and looked here and there. " Savanna! thank God you are alright. " I looked up and found my Saviour again. Kamiel he was wet and he was looking so worried, but my eyes stuck to those muscles he has. He was looking attractive. Water dripping from those muscles. I remembered those familiar voices and one of the familiar voice was from my saviour.
" Are u alright? " Kamiel asked. I only nodded my head. " Ok now student give me way and move aside please. Let the air to pass. The students move aside. " Mrs Irine ordered. "Take care. " Kamiel whispered in my ears and joined the boy's queue. Mrs Irine came to me. I gradually got up from the ground " U need some rest Savanna. " then she turned. " Student there is some changes in our plan, we will return home tomorrow and your parents will get this news too. We are staying here today, and Vanessa!" She looked at Vanessa. " I want you to take good care of Savanna." " I will " she replied. And then she asked in my ears with a cold but rude whispering voice, " Savanna,tell me the name of those bustard who had done this to you? " That day when we met for the first time, I heard a sweet voice from her but that day of the picnic her solemn voice made me shock.

The tents were fixed by other students, a lot of woods were collected to light a fire. At night we were having some games around the camp fire.
I had taken some rest, and I was feeling much better that day so I joined that game too. Vanessa was sitting beside me and playing games too . I remembered those words of my Grandma had told me when I was unconscious . Well... I didn't know it was, a dream or a reality ! After the game and having our dinner. We all got into the tent. I was laying when Vanessa changed her clothes, and wore her night suit. She joined me. But what's this feeling again, I felt butterflies into my stomach. " Well.... today wasn't so pleasant day for u... right? " She asked. I turned to her and asked her back hiding my emotions and questioned her back, " What do u know about my past, about my destiny. Vanessa? "
The moment I asked her, her face lighted up and she gave a mysterious smile to me. " Wow!! atlast u ask that question. I am fluttered Savi!" She winked at me.

To Be Continued....

Pic source : From Google search

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