

Untold Secrets

Human life is very wide, but not comparable as human mind . This mind is very subtle, in which there are many secrets.........

The secrets becomes a danger, when it comes out in front of everyone. One has to endure a lot of pain, because of it. Secrets are mysterious and being dangerous over time , if it not properly concealed.......

Another thing to remember is that secrets are always bad. But what is the way to escape from it? you got a question right. This is exactly how the question arises for others, when they find something suspicious........

Then you will think what about , if I destroyed all the evidence and all the suspects. Not so easy, because you're the key . So you have to destroyed yourself before you destroyed everything. Don't think too much, if you think you might lose. Sometimes its safe if the secrets remain untold.......

Time is very unfavorable and unstable.......
But maybe you can change the table......

© jeni