

What is worthwhile?
So I took a break one time out of social media. Well, no I wasn't tired. I just wanted to know what could possibly happen if I dropped my phone, not just my phone though, some other attitudes included.
I wanted to know how attached and how ‘used to' already I was.

I've asked certain important questions; what are the things that are worth doing in this times? Are they what I'm doing? Are they profitable and productive?

Truth is, if we spend time doing other stuff that adds no value to us, especially things that does not add to God's kingdom, there can only be one definition to all that: you waste your time.. King Solomon puts it well; YOU CHASE VANITY!
There is an Igbo saying; “chase a black goat in the day time; its useless and unwise to do so at night"..
The bible also says that we should make good use of our youthful days seeking God and doing the needful than wait till we're old and weak and find no pleasure in them..

So what are you doing? Is it worth it?
© Anuri