

A letter ✉️ to my inner child...
Be always loving, kind,
fierce and productive...
You are Shivangi,
A part of Shiva within...
Keep your heart open to
every possibility coming,
Don't be a door of resistance within...

Embrace yourself with the love of Shiva,
The creator, creation and beyond and become,
The door of abundance,
May love, peace, abundance surround you like your armour,
When you walk into the future from the present moment !!!

May love, abundance never illude you, but become the eye opener,
And your friends to keep you more humble and more human...
May they help you to take better decisions,
See the best prospectives,
Make you more sensitive to time,
May they serve you to serve the world better... when you are alive !!!

Be always great full for every breath,
Thankful to everyone you meet,
Gratitudeful for everything that leaves,
And honored for everything that comes back or stays ...
Be the colorful version of life,
Where white, black and grey are beautiful too...
Don't get attached to anything,
Because you are not just a human,
You are lotus in the water of creation...
But always get involved saying yes to life.
Love is not attachment,
Love demands, expects, wants nothing.
Be always that joy,
That called Devi herself is.

Nothing should stop you from being the best version of you within you... my dear superstar.
Being glorious doesn't mean arrogant,
But helping others to shine brighter too in their time...
Letting others know they can shine too,
Do it too if you could in your life time !
May you always be the magnet of success,
That pulls all the positive vibes from the universe,
And takes help from angels to become the one...!!!

Take up all the hardship,
may be it will release some of your twin flames burden...
May be he will able to grow faster in his spiritual journey in this life time...
May be it will help you both to grow faster...
Be always the motivator not the one that takes away all the power from everyone being the mean...
For no reason !!!

You won't be able to take away anything,
This life is to serve and then leave in the right time...
Mean while experience the best of everything... that's life,
Don't let it slip away without your notice...
Don't let your own ego keep you away,
From all the beautiful experiences.
I love you... say it often in your heart
if not louder and let the miracles happen
in it's own time 💖✨
Keep on shining my little 🐦,
You don't know the good vibes when flow through you to everyone they start shining too by healing and
knitting their hearts with love 💖😘

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