

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment (Part 5)
Today's Read:Full of mysterious discovery for some. Is Mr.Baren finally catching on to something?! If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 5:The Tank Experiment

At Quincy's house Mr.Baren was watching through the window. Thoughts were still going through his head about his own son hanging with a man that could have possibly had a thing for his wife. Finally, he decided to walk upstairs from looking through the window. Trying to get it out of his head. Stewart was coming down as he was going up.

"Did Quincy leave yet?" He asked Stewart stopping at him side to side while they were going opposite directions.

"I think so." he replied back.

They both continued to go their seperate ways. As Mr.Baren continues to go upstairs he opens the door to Quincy's room. He looked around. Not expecting to find anything. The room was very calm and very quiet. Not a single noise. Next, he walked over to the window, watching outside to Tanks house. It was still very silent. As if soft music was playing and everything outside was blowing in the calm still wind. He didn't see any movement or anything. Finally deciding to turn back around. When he did, he almost tripped over something. What was it? he thought looking to see. Quincy's book bag was found opened and unzipped in certain areas. He sighed picking it up. But there was a note under it. But a note? What for? Should he read it? He wasn't really sure what to think but he didn't think anything bad. That is until he picked it up. The word "read me" was written on it. Now he was really curious. He carefully started reading. The note he picked up was the same first note that Quincy had received in school from his locker.

Note:Your parents are not your parents, you don't belong here, your friend Andy's dead but im still here, your time is running out and you should fear, for soon all of you will disappear._Wizard A.

When he finished reading the note he was confused for a second. Reading over it again and again. Lots of tension filled the room. He wasn't sure what to think. Whatever that note was though, he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Putting the note in his pocket and the book bag on the bed and walks out.

Meanwhile Stewart was downstairs. He heard a knock on the door. When he opens it he sees Mr. Jenkins.

"So did you look at the flash drive?" He immediately asked without hesitation when the door opens.

"Um no, we didnt."

"I should've known." He said frustrated.

He shook his head and walked off before Stewart could say another word. He watched and shuts the door.
Mr.Baren came rushing downstairs with a worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I-i found something."

They both stare at each other with concern looks. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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