

When we think back on our first experiences, we recall how they were not what we expected and did not provide us with the satisfaction we desired. Write a tale to go along with it

We know that life won't always give us lemonade but we've got to turn our lime experiences to lemonades😁.
It is better to have expectations cos they become your yardstick of measurement when you fail to meet them.

Looking back at 2021 for me it's a year loaded and pregnant with opportunies to explore new terrain and to conquer more grounds it a year I gave myself a chance to believe in myself that I could pen down my thought not just in spoken words,that was a milestone I crossed.

Creating a coaching career from zero to something was once a mountain I couldn't surmount but taking each day at a time and looking back from where I started,I would say we've covered grounds but we need to put more effort and to excel beyond our effort.

The culminating story for me was when God gave me a perfect gift of YOU you made my world go round like a merry go round,you add colour and flavour to my life and made it beautiful like the rainbow🌈 2021 wouldnt have been complete with out you.You rocked my world and I say a big thank YOU cos you rock😆

© the signature graceJ