

it's very funny to know that this word "need" is make big difference in our life .
if u observed everyone is here for profit and loss when ur going with profit u was fine u enjoyed,u laugh u neglect bad part u ignore bad things. but when that profit is over then situation change.you are not in loss but somehow u started wondering if anything is wrong with you because of profit is over now people started observing bad part in you and you poor people thought that is something I done? is something wrong in me ? u started questioning urself because of your fault only. u never know who is in your life expecting only profit form you and can't bear loss .
when someone found that profit is over now I don't that person they started behaving different they observe u more in negative way they say more about what u don't have just because they want to cut u from there life.
it's funny when this kind of people are in loss they make every effort for u so u became their need their profits but when they know now theirs situation is better so they don't want u.
example for if are giving something to someone which they don't have and suddenly somehow they get in another way now what u gave to them is nothing matters 🙂 so basically always only giving nature harm u badly try to take it.
© Ankita patwardhan