

Post Mark, Return to Sender.
Mom, I ask you now.
Now that you are gone.
Never before.
never ever would i ask more of your love.
Always in my time of need you would help me understand and embrace the matter.
Always the best that was possible.
With you gone my happiness has slowly dwindled, so much it has nearly lost its light.
The glow which has always shown by your love.
Without you I have become lost in the darkness of my conflicting thoughts.
I know you're gone from most.
You'll never be gone from me.
Not a breath taken from dawn to dusk do i go without missing you.
This must be a mistake.
In this time apart now more so than ever I am in need of your unwavering guidance.
This time I need you more than I am able to tell you.
I Miss you, I miss being loved by you.

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