

Sprice adventures
Chapter 1(adventure of sprice simpleton)
A time ago in the world there lived a teenager who wanted to travel and explore he was named sprice after his uncle, he was a boy of good principles and of great humour and wisdom , he was so simple that everyone called him simpleton. Sprice had only one desire of adventure but his mother won't let him go, he begged her so many times that she got tired and relented , but before leaving his mother made him promise that in the next one year , he should be back and he agreed, he took all his life savings and gave quarter of it to his mother , in return she gave him for the journey ahead . Sprice started his journey from Villa where he lived and journed for many hours until the sun went down , when night fell he eat the food his mother had given him and decided to walk a little more and saw a town named dilasia after the mayor late wife , although it was night the streets were busting with life then sprice decided to spend the night in an mostel(as it was called)where he talked with the owner's son who told him to lock his door s and windows so as to be safe at night . Then sprice asked why the boy said because the town has two robber who hadn't been caught yet , he thanked the boy and retired to his room after his dinner. At midnight he heard a sound that seemed to be coming from his window , he remembered that he forgot to lock the window. So he lay still and thought of a plan then he heard two voices that belonged to teenage boys , he then wondered why two teenagers would steal so he decided to trick them without alarming them .So he listened to the voices they were talking about money ,so sprice grabbed his shoes and flung it across the room and they were startled and tried to run but sprice called them and told them that he wouldn't report them but they should tell him why they are stealing . They said they had to steal unless they would be killed, sprice felt sorry for the boys who introduced themselves as Jerry and Robin so he decided to ask them if they would follow him. They agreed and thanked sprice that night they made their escape.
Watch out for chapter 2 it's coming soon , it's just the beginning.
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