

I'm not normal: I never was ( two faced act)Part 1:
The bright side of life: the original face of it all before the mystery :

I was a perfect bright little girl. Having family, fun, friends at a young age was my happiness. Playing with toys and learning at school and appreciating all the fun times was the best. I had a perfect childhood at a young age.

As I started growing up it only got mor and more awesome. Days were long and nights were short. I enjoyed my life as a kid. it was the best. Just being happy with everyone and everything at the perfect time. Life was just amazing.

(The ages were from 1- 13)
Primary school and creche taught me a lot of things. Including my family.
Everytime hearing gunshots in certain places would terrify me . Nightmares at night would make me cry. All the bad stuff was a fear. And all the good stuff made me safe,happy and secure.

To be continued: Part 2

© T.J😊