

Ch.3 Pt.6: Temptation Without Shame
Fionn Hammel was shaken up still by what had happened between himself and Arianrhod. Gwydion had sauntered through his training arena and had made snide comments about his person. Thunder incarnate had lost his damn head and had punched the ever loving brat into the next century. It was said that Arianrhod had taken on fae on her own; dead elf bodies outside of Caer Sidi would say that was a likely scenario. He had sent Nemain to find her mother and he was terrified of what had occurred.

“You frown every time you think of the queen.” Gavin commented from behind him.

“She is not THE queen Gavin; she is ALL of our queen. Is it true you have lain with Nemain?” His commander demanded.

“I would never lie to you my prince; she and I had taken out some fae and had partaken of their blood. Her kiss is sin.” His underling blushed.

“You ever so much as look at Nemain in any other manner than as a fellow warrior than you should not worry over much of Gwydion killing you; it will be me! Nemain is off limits!” Fionn said in a deadly cold voice.

“I meant no harm or ill will my prince. My deepest and humblest apologies.” Tremin said bowing.

“You are an excellent warrior Gavin; do not give me any reason to dismiss you.” His lord stated in a stony voice.

“I will not my prince. I adore serving you and I would be aimless without it. Good day.” Gavin said in a soft voice but he was hurt.

Gavin loved Fionn but anyone with any sense would love such a prince. Nemain as well was something amazing but the ruling house kept their own isolated and out of reach. He saw Arianrhod in a shimmering see through dress with wide sleeves and a hood. Her gauzy silk literally shone in the light like many tiny diamonds and she wore flesh colored bindings under her gown. Emblazoned on the whole of the front was a star with the many tiny diamonds. Gavin noticed the queen barefoot and he quickly looked at her eyes that were burning darker blue.

“Have your bones healed Tremin?” Arianrhod’s voice asked.

“I am well your majesty.” He said tightly.

“Do not displease me again.” She commanded and she walked away from him.

Gavin tightened his clawed left hand into a fist and blood dripped in the sand. He hated the woman with a growing passion and if she died; he would celebrate!

“Bràthair we need to talk. Why have you not come to Caer Sidi?” Arianrhod asked from behind him.

“Piuthar, I have nothing to say is all. Why speak and make moronic speech when one has nothing to say?” He asked looking back at her.

She had pulled the hood part of her insanely beautiful ensemble and her hair was still partially under her hood.

“We made love Fionn! We did what we both have wanted!” She actually cried out.

“I am a warrior Piuthar; not some ridiculous courtier who pines away for his liege to give him attention!” Fionn snapped looking at her in the eyes.

Her eyes were a deeper blue. Arianrhod was agitated and one single bloody tear fell from her left eye. She whirled on her heel to leave and he sprung up to stop her. With her next to his body; he had a hard time contemplating anything.

“Why do you cry?” He demanded.

“I love you Bràthair! I love you and you stay angry. I cannot keep doing this to myself. You are jealous and yet, I want there to be an us!” Arianrhod actually began to weep.

Arianrhod never wept except when her emotions were high as when she was newly with child or suffered the loss of one. Fionn cringed and he forced himself to look at her.

“Piuthar are you with child?” He asked suddenly.

Arianrhod did not answer and she was looking out his window of his room in the training grounds where he devised drills and battle plans.

“Arianrhod answer me!” Fionn shook her harshly.

“So what if I am? What does it matter?” She asked dully.

“That fucking fae? He gave you his seed? Is that it?” He raved in a sudden and horrendous jealous snit.

“Tristan Mattocks. You know him correct?” She asked her beloved Fionn.

“Yes, yes of course! He is your personal physician.” Her Bràthair stated waving his hand in the air.

“Fine Fionn. Yes, I am giving Ailduin Ludok a son. There I said it.” She stated and she began to walk out.

“That fucking elf has put his son in your belly and I am supposed to be thrilled Piuthar? Because if you expect it; I am not! If you think I will stop my slaying of his insipid people, think again!” He snarled.

“You gave me your son as well!” She blurted out.

Fionn was stunned silent and he stepped back. First he processed that he had begotten the love of his life and then he had to process that the fae’s brat shared her womb with HIS child.

“Oh Arianrhod only you would be so bold.” Fionn snapped at her.

“I hate you! I hate you Fionn Hammel. I wanted this news to be joyous for us. You kill me. You destroy me unlike so many of my enemies!” She said again weeping and she tried to flee.

What she was saying really took hold in his brain; and he grabbed her. He had to use all of his abilities to stop her from phasing.

“Piuthar stop! Stop now! Tell me truthfully, do you want my son?” He demanded.

“Yes! Yes! A million times yes! I do not even care if Gwydion throws a fit. I want our child. Tell me you will stop the attacks on the Undine.” She clutched at his blood red tunic.

“How are you going to explain the babes Arianrhod?” Fionn asked sighing.

“I do not fucking care. I am mated to Gwydion as he is my consort but I have other spouses and such. Do this for me Fionn because you love me. Love me and our son!” She pleaded.

“Aye. Piuthar. Aye. Do not tell Gwydion that my son is my son. We shall deal with his temper tantrums later. You do not need the stress. Your last pregnancy was a nightmare.” He said haunted.

Arianrhod had been in labor for days and the babe had died in the process. Fionn had never seen his Piuthar so white and devoid of blood. He grabbed her hand and she felt his body shake a little with silent sobs. She knew the news of their own child would affect him deeply.

“You have been a fool all these years to think I loved Gwydion more. He is my twin but my not first in my heart. Ailduin is not even first.” She whispered.

Fionn looked up and met truth in her green eyes. Bloody trails ran down both of their faces for the first time ever and he just pulled her against him and it felt good. It in fact, it felt right. Fionn shut out the nagging worries and focused on what she needed now. He knew she wanted these babes and she wanted the battles with the Undine stopped. She was a warrior and she would always fight. So Fionn had to stop the fighting; as much as it galled him, he wanted his child and the woman he loved more.
#orignalfiction #fantasyfiction
#historicalfiction  #mythology #celtmyth #welshmyth #godsandgoddesses #elf #fey #elvenfiction