

An 'Argument'
It is not any story, it is an Argument for the Universe.

A little message for those ...
who think that they are not dependent somehow on anyone ...
The message is little ... but not little in reality ...

"Everybody is dependent on
anyone another."

We can understand it as;
When anyone asks you a question, "what is the thing, with the help the car can run?" .....?
You'll think; it is obvious to think that, with the help of wheels the car can run ..........

we already saw any car's wheel, you also know that any car that has two wheels are attached by an Axel. Axel always stays static but the wheels are not.

Without an axel, wheels can't connect with the car, so how the car run?

Now, you can understand that one thing is somehow connected with the other thing.
And the other fact is that;
you can see that the axel is static but help the wheels to run. I mean, "the reason for the movement of each object is a static and unfamiliar object which does not move by itself, but the speed of many objects depends on it."

if you want to know that who is the reason for our moment, you'll think that we're dynamic so we can assume that the earth is static but, the earth is not static. After it, you'll find the question, "who is the reason for the movement of earth?" Yes ...! we can assume that the Sun is static but this is not. A new question you'll find,
"what we can assume static for the Sun?"
Yes ... Galaxy ... we can assume the Galaxy is static. But no ... it is not.

At the last you'll find; someone is here who is the reason for the movement of the whole Universe.

It is the 'God' who makes this whole Universe, who is not dynamic, who is not doing anything for itself but gives the motion for the whole Universe.

Yes ... this is 'God'.

The conclusion is that we're only one formation of God's creation. We have to accept that anyone is above us.

[ It means not that you start doing hymn... no it's not important, the important thing that we have to do faith on God and ourselves, forget the success. Because the Ego is the thing that will break you. ]

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