

Challenge for the day 1
G. K quiz challenge

1. It is said that Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar’s contribution to making of modern India is many sided. Which of the following aspects contribute to it?

A. Farmers and depressed class upliftment

B. New methodology of teaching Sanskrit

C. Uplifting downtrodden women, abolishing child marriage , widow re marriage

D. Both B and C

2. Which of the contributions of Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar made him true follower of Raja Rammohan Roy and in a way most common aspects in both of them

I. Protest against child marriage

II. Advocacy of widow re marriage

III. Campaign against polygamy

Options are

A. I and II

B. I and III

C. II and III

D. I II and III

3. The main contribution of Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar to education and in particular to women education are :

A. Break priestly monopoly of scriptural knowledge(Sanskrit) and opening to non- Brahmins

B. Charles wood dispatch on education, influenced it towards female education

C. Lady Hardinge medical college at Delhi

D. Both A and B

4. Who among the following was responsible for the first lawful Hindu widow remarriage among upper castes in India?

A. Raja Rammohan Roy

B. Keshub Chandra Sen

C. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

5. Which of the following are the innovative means used by Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar to bring Sanskrit education to all?

A. Devised new Bengali primer

B. Brought new prose style

C. Both A & B

D. Continued the same method without any new innovation

6. Theosophical society was started by whom and where, initially?

A. A.O Hume in India

B. Blavatsky and Olcott in united states

C. M.G Ranade in India

D. Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa

7. Who among the following is the head of theosophical society in India

A. Annie Besant

B. Madan Mohan Malaviya

C. Blavatsky

D. Did not come to india

8. What was the main inspiration for establishing Theosophical Society?

A. Tackling zamindars issue

B. Women’s education and their upliftment

C. Propagate Indian thought and culture there by revival of ancient religions of Hinduism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism

D. Work for depressed classes

9. Which of the following were the ideas popularized through theosophical society

I. Doctrine of trans-migration of souls

II. Universal brotherhood of man

III. Reincarnation and Karma, and drew inspiration from philosophy of Upanishads and samkhya, yoga and Vedanta school

IV. Against foreign rule


A. Only III

B. Only I and III

C. I II and III

D. All the following

10. Theosophical movement though not very successful helped in contributing to developments in society. Which of the following are those developments?

I. Women upliftment and recognized their importance

II. Provided self respect needed to fight British colonial rule

III. Did not provide any contribution as they realized that they were giving false sense of pride

Options are-

A. Only I

B. Only II

C. Only III

D. All the above

@CHALLANGER guys please🥺🙏 except my challenge

answer u can give in comments💬 for sure
time is 12 hours ⌛