

Chapter 5 - Harriet leaves the Library
This morning when I woke up, I thought the day was just going to be as boring as the last one. Never thought by the end I would be having tea with a young lady two-hundred years older than me in a library that materialised out of thin air and having a conversation about some people called 'Dark Authors'.

Harriet sat upright in her leather chair with the book she just took turn from the shelf, resting on her lap.
"The Dark Authors want to do harm to the library." She said.

I struggle with anyone wanting to do harm to anyone or anything. What's the point? "Harm, in what way?"

"Not every book in this library comes from this planet. Some have been donated from other worlds. In the hope that one day someone on Earth will be able to understand them and use the knowledge for the better of mankind."

"Sorry, are you telling me aliens have a library card?"

"The library is open to anyone, whoever you are, if you seek knowledge for the improvement of yourself or community."

"So, I guess these 'Dark Authors' do not have such a desire?"

"They wish to use the knowledge within this library to create something evil for their own benefits."

"Have you encountered these authors?" I asked Harriet.

"Only once in the two years I have been here. A most unpleasant character named, 'Septus Faulkes' with the help of the library I managed to banished him."

"Is this why you are leaving. Because of Septus Faulkes?"

"Good heavens no, like you, I was interested to see the library once I received my invitation. But I need to get back to my work. You mentioned I wrote a book called The Time Machine."

"Yeah, it's my favorite story." I said.

"Well, suppose I told you it wasn't a book of fiction but an instruction manual! I want to go off exploring the future I have read so much about in here."

"And you want me to run the library and defend it from these Dark Authors. I really don't think..."

"The library thinks you are more than capable." Harriet said, interrupting me. "You have done it before." She held up the book that was sitting on her lap. I gasped once I read the title:

'A Girl called 5am'

"That's what I wrote for the Hours Paranormal Society. How did you get hold of a copy!"

Harriet smiled, "The library is always interested in works that border the realm of our reality and the next. Your encounter with a woman called 'Midnight' made the library decide you were to be the next librarian."

"Where will I live!"

"Here!" Said Harriet. "The bedroom and bathroom are through that curtain behind you. If you need anything, just ask the library."

"But I need to get back. I have my studies to do, and Amber and Lois will be worried sick about me. I bet right now she'd have called the police."

"When you decide to leave the library. You will go back one second after you entered. You are already back in their time. So, what do you think. Do you want to have the experience of a lifetime?"

I thought about what I had seen and heard today. Maybe it would be worth a try. "Ok, I'll give it a go."

"Good!" Exclaimed Harriet. "The library will drop me off near where I live." Then Harriet hesitated. "Would, would you like to see the real time machine?"

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Try stopping me!"

"Excellent. I'll just get my hat!"

To be continued...
© Alice White