

The day comes again....
It's not an ordinary day like all the days of whole the month. It's painful day not like all the days of whole the month. When Ishita(I)was again suffering alot from cramps.I felt low while sneeze. I got tired from pains and i felt down in a day. Then suddenly door bell rang and i stood from the bed and when i opened the door and start crying to see you(Ishaan Ishita's husband)then you make me cosy and took me into your arms and make me comfortable. It's totally unexpected situation at that time. I was irritated from each and every thing then you make me soothe. You manage all the things and did all the household chores without annoying me. It was so kind thing.
From that day i start respect you more. All those things which you did for me make me happy and from that time I understood that how much you love and care for me.That day changed my all the opinions regarding you. Your respect,your care makes you man.

Moral-: Be the man not, the giant.
Be the human not, the devil.

© Dolphin 🐬 (Prachi Goyal)