

Fighting the fight of depression
Depression functionality is a serious issue that everyone deals with and no one is talking about.

Functioning while depressed is something which happens when grieving takes over and depression becomes the norm and it becomes their way of life, for some.

It's hard noticing someone who's depressed when they keep a smile on their face and they are laughing, joking and it appears as if they are able to function at work with no problem.

Depression can come from the pain of and from a blood immunity imbalance - to medicine side effects - to grieving of our loved one's.

But no matter the cause - depression is always debilitating, controlling, causing emotional imbalance and places physical strain upon the body that is being overlooked.

More often then not someone is at their wits end and feel suicide is the only option to take.

The pressure of grief - can be strong to the point where it takes everything within oneself to find that little hope to hold onto just to get through the day.

Depression affects - us mentality as we begin to justify why you feel the way you do and most times we do nothing to aid ourselves to get to - a healthier and beneficial place which will bring healing to our wounded soul.

It's the soul that has been wounded.

A broken heart connects with the pains of the soul. It takes many different avenues along with time to properly heal the heart and soul.

Moving completely out of the depression phase or stage.

Stepping out of this phase is like getting up, getting dressed, going about your day and suddenly you notice the pain is no longer attached to your heart.

Our souls and our hearts have begun the process of healing itself with our help of getting help.

Everyone needs help sometimes. It's okay to feel wounded and lost. It's even better to work through depression with family and friends.

Everybody fights with some phase or stage of depression and anyone who says differently isn't telling the truth.

Happiness turned to sadness in the blink of an eye has a way of taking the breath out of you and out of your life.

Falling into uncontrollable emotions, confused, lost of direction, emotional about everything. Frustration and irritation because other people don't understand where you are in your suffering.

Your supporters understand but don't understand all at the same time. They are there and not. Here but not.

We must not lack the understanding of the healing process. We must allow that person the time they need to properly heal without fault is needed.

If not, pressures from outsiders can be destructive to your healing process so maintain you and yours during this time.

Healing of the soul is hard work. So, during our support be wise with our words, be kind with our actions and love them through their pain.

Be quiet and respectful cause one day it could be you with a wounded heart and soul.

What it took for them to come out of depression may help you too.

Show love, patience and understanding during their times of grief.

© V's Says