

Persistence Ch4
Chapter 4

"So these are your assignments, submit them before your mid semester exams."
The professor's voice rang through my ears as I headed down only to get disturbed by my friend.
"Hey Mukith , is everything well? you look quite tired"
"Everything is fine except the fact that I had a nightmare and yes I am tired"
"Oh and here I thought, you didn't sleep watching some web series"
"Shut up" I replied to her teasing.
I was tired so I thought of taking a short nap until the next lecture starts.

The next thing I saw was those big lights on my face, it took me a few minutes to realize that I was again here. I saw myself again in that red t-shirt and a pair of trousers with the old blood stains. I stood up seeing , everyone looking as confused as me.
"Mukith, did you also go back to your home?" Vaibhav asked,
"Yes, what is this? Which one is reality?"
Just then we saw a girl who was slapping herself like a maniac until she got stopped by someone
"What are you doing Ishita?" That person asked her,
"This is a dream right? it's not true, I was at home , and now I am here"
she answered crying and trembling from fear.
So everyone had the same experience.

"All of you are requested to take your place" speakers announced
"Why should we , damn it! Open this door , you don't know who my father is , if he got to know about this, you will surely pay" a boy in the crowd banged on the door frantically.
Just then the gates were opened, almost everyone went to their place except that boy , the security men faced him and when he started getting louder with his actions.

There was a pin drop silence until they dragged his body outside closing the door, a line was made by his blood on the ground.

Watching the scenes unfold made me nauseous enough to go to the washroom, attached to the dormitory. I was greeted by another group who were looking around the washroom. I washed my face while observing their work.
"What's the point? There is not a single opening in this washroom and toilets except this exhaust fan ,not a single thing that is damaged for you to break it and try something. And did you not see how they shoot that boy"
I said not able to contain myself but a girl replied with a hint of frustration in her voice

"We know this but we can't be idle and wait for them to kill us on our smallest mistake, it's probably not even an hour and they have already killed one more. All of this feels like a nightmare with no way out"

Just then we all could hear the faint noise of announcements and when we arrived in the dormitory to get greeted by Mr.B again.
"Well, morning to all of you. So shall we begin with today's quest?"
Just then someone from the crowd raised their hand
"Please don't kill me , I will obey everything, just answer my one question. Which one is reality? I was at home , now here and—"
The boy was cut by Mr.B's inhumane expression.

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