

Name is identity
Name is a very short and simple word but it's meaning is more than a sentence. It's not just a identity but it's a fame. It has given importance not only to living things but non living things too. In short we can address or refer to anyone, anything. I am sounding boring but it's the true fact. The name plays a role in life that not only identifies individual but also built a relation too. One can justify meaning too.

The name which one get by birth is not easy that you have to earned. Though you don't have to fight, by birth it's get added and every one must value and respect it. If you want to understand it's importance visit orphanage once in lifetime you will come to know there are so many children who are waiting that someone should come and adopt them. Our sun rise and sun set with our near and dear ones but they are waiting with a hope. The name is a gift of god and family. We have to maintain it with dignity. Love comes with name and relation build a peace. We are great ful to have a word that describes us divergent we are thank ful that we have identity.

Nacheeket Lonkar