

ABANDONED (Chapter 4)
During the rainy period, the basement leaks and that is how we get water to drink and to wash our dirty torn clothes. Like My Mother would always say,” Do not wash the clothes too hard so it won't get torn too much”. We use dirty water to survive for our daily needs. During the day, we would go out to the streets to beg for food from other rich men's houses just to survive but at the end, we would be kicked out like dogs. We even received insults from so many people. One day, when the Suffering became too much that we could barely eat, I went into the market and stole some cooked rice that would be enough for Myself and My Family. On getting home, I found My Mum roasting a dead rat saying “ Let's use it as meat for our food” and we ate it without feeling disgusted because we had nothing to eat. I never knew that the owner of the cooked rice had trailed me down to where I was. She came into the basement and sent her boys to beat me until my face was swollen and injured. I bled from My Mouth and My eyes were like I was going to faint soon. The woman called me a thief in the presence of My Mother, then She took My sister Annie and used her as one of her maids to pay back for the rice I stole from her. My Mother became So angry and She pushed me out of the basement saying that I should not come back unless I found My Sister. I worked so hard to get money to pay the rice seller back her money so that I can have my sister back.
At the rice seller's place, Annie was made to wash mountains of plates and pots, even abandoned pots that maggots had started living in them. She would work from morning to night without resting nor using her drugs. Madam Patricia's customer would come and Annie would be sent to attend to them. While serving them, they would molest her and touch her private parts through her torn clothes. Annie was sent to make a home delivery for Mr Lightwood’s son Jonah. On getting there, Jonah instructed her to bring the meal to his room so She could collect her boss's money. Jonah collected the food, ate it and rested for a while . He also molested her and told her that if he can have her, he is ready to pay her debts and make her free from madam Patricia's place and which is what she wanted. So he slept with her. After having the intercourse, he paid her and told her he would call madam Patricia on her release but days passed and months passed but he never did instead the punishment increased.
My Mother's pregnancy became bigger and noticeable that everyone could actually know that She was pregnant. After working my head and hands out, I finally got the Money for Annie's release. Annie had become a harlot for Madam Patricia that She serves the customer both meal and her body. Madam Patricia also started loving her and making her feel as a good girl. Annie's clothes were changed and She started working for madam Patricia everyday with little changes. Annie became every man’s choice and favorite.
With the little change Annie made, my Mother used it to take care of our feeding and needs. My Mother gave birth to another girl, but this time, She had little Money to buy clothes for the baby. My baby Sister was named Michelle, and with the three of us we are going to avenge all those that inflicted suffering on us

During the Christmas period, we would join other kids for candy treats. We had more than enough treats to eat but nothing to drink and wear. Annie and Jordan started dating.
Jordan loved Annie because of her beauty and her body but Annie on the other side was just in the relationship because of money because she witnessed when Jordan drugged her Mother and raped her and that was what led to the pregnancy and birth of Michelle. So her plan in the relationship was to use him and dump him after collecting all his money.
Jordan became so emotional with love that he couldn't even go for a day without seeing Annie. Annie gave everything to Jordan in the relationship so she won't get caught or busted on her plans. The money gotten from Jordan, was kept in a wooden piggy bank for safekeeping. Annie was a fair skinned complexion girl, with a sexy adolescent body that no man can overlook. Jordan saw this and continued dating her and she never deprived him of anything until her aim was done.

© _Bleeding Ink_