

Terror nights (part 3)
Hey guys watsapp as you know this is real incident so I have feel it I will telk you more about this in last part of the Story.


next Day morning .

Rikani - Are we late for collage ?

Mira - Yes and there No cab available.

Rikani- hey !Renter please drop us to the college.

Renter- Fine but don't call me Renter My name is anashrif ali sorry Ravi Kumar....

Mira -(thinking First he is telling lie his name is anashrif ali and second he is hiding something)

so Hi anashrif sorry Ravi Let's go .

Ravi-( thinking She is creepy not an easy girl)

lets go .

In the car

Rikani- so which department you are studing ?

Ravi - chemistry I love chemistry this is My life.

Rikani- wao !

Ravi - nice Mira what are you studing.

Mira - none of your business.

Ravi- So wao your friend is like chemistry she reacts some times quickly and...

Rikani - leave it wao you have Urdu magazines in your car do you speak Urdu .

Ravi - ahh hmm yeah

Mira - Wao I had never listened who is hindu and learn Urdu very nice this seems you never dislike Hindu Muslim difference.

Ravi - nooooooo

Mira - for god sake please don't freak what no

Rikani - stop we reched ।

Ravi - bye Mira bye Rikani .


after college

Ravi - Hello bos

bos - Is anyone is seeing you like weired or something ।

Ravi - no but i have to take care about Mira .

At home

Mira - thanks for the ride

Rikani - yeah

Ravi - always today My family is coming .

Rikani- amazing

mira - ( thinking Why is there so much a bundle of wire something is wrong)

What is going to happen is mira is going to Investigate ?
why there was wire in Ravi's house.find out in the next capter

© Aarohi