Equality DNA and divine feminine.
Most of us have experienced lives as a male or female.
The Female due to her life giving ability,as always been able to access her god /spiritual/source energy connection easier then the male.
Since the beginning of our Pleadian birthed humanity,females were always considered the Shaman of the people, nearly all the indigenous people understood this knowledge & shaman of these people were nearly always female. There was a divine equality ,men and women respected each others gifts and talents and worked together for the benefit of all🤝.
Originally in order to bring balance between dark and light energies our DNA worked at over 35% .You see light is stronger then dark, so only 35% of light is needed to balance 65% dark, (now I am talking about a collective consciousness of DNA energy) so humantiy began life on this planet in an equilibrium of dark and light consciousness.
Why you may ask?..The test or experiment if you like of humanity given the prime directive of non interfered with free choice in consciousness was to see if we could evolve enough to bring planet earth and ourselves to an higher consciousness.
While our active DNA percentage was at 35% the dark energy could not prevail, equality between males and females remained in balance.
Over the millennia, particularly with the fall of Lemuria,which was one of the longest civilisations on Earth, humantiy through both free choice and the reduction of our DNA capacity to less then 25% fell into a higher dark energy thinking pattern. War, jealousy,greed, slavery ,hatred became the consciousness we put into the Earths crystallized grid and it's Akashic record and Karma came about.
The biggest change was the differential in humanity between male and female.the balance had gone 😱. Men took on a more dominant role,and women were gradually degraded down to less then that of animals.Each generation thereafter could only remember the continued akosh DNA records that placed women lower then men.the magnificence of women being wise,shaman,and healers and their closeness to god/source was buried and forgotten,by all but the indigenous and various masters. Thus the unequal and often barbaric treatment of women throughout history. This is once again changing as once again our DNA structure is changing 😊, it is now at around 31% on a collective consciousness scale and growing. Full recognition of the female may not occur till it reaches 35% + , but most of the humanity are moving in the right direction. The retreating dark power still holds some power over egotistic men who cannot relinquish their sexually superior old energy 3D linear thinking and women who still believe on a subconscious energy lev el that they deserved to be treated inappropriately. But soon the divinity of the feminine energy will prevail in its full glory as both men and women respect each others gifts and qualities. This is why I will to continue explaining that the new paradigms are all about DNA and Akashic remembering &asking your innate to raise your DNA structure, this is how it will come about.The devine feminine is a beautiful flower when in full bloom,in unification with the male we both become one in magnificence.
Bless you all "Levar,"