

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret, Chapter Three: The Rest Of A Night Gone Wrong.
My mind is rushing with negative thoughts. The young hunter who's shaking and praying, raised his rifle to my either my eyes or amulet. I have only one choice because i'm not really wanting to tear this forest apart by running away. He might not even be able to hurt me with that rifle but I didn't want to take the chance nor did I think retreating was right. "What... What are you? A demon? Like from Hell, if so what did I do?!" the hunter yelled and tried to keep his focuse to shoot. "No, I'm not a demon..." I felt like I had to respond. My other side thought in our head, "No, you should've said yes so he shot at us and he'd only waste a bullet and we could..." "Thank you for now saying that his gun can't hurt us, but I'm also not rude." I interrupted in thought. "Rightt, sure..." my other side thought. "If you're not a demon then what are you and how do you speak?" the hunter asked. "Uh... it's kind of complicated. And well, I can speak like you by learning so I don't think it's that different..." The stranger shook his head and scaredly said, "I don't understand..." I walked out of the forest and stopped in the clearing and in front of the hunter. He backed up and said, "Oh my god... You're massive and..." he lowered his gun to relax his arms. "Are you gonna eat me?" he asked as he looked like he was ready to turn and run. "You should say yes, rap this up..." my other side thought planely. "No." I said out loud. "Okay... if you're really not a demon then... are you an alien because you don't look like anything from this planet." he asked. "Yeah... I'm an alien, but no more questions I got to go." I replied quickly because I wasn't just going to tell him anything more about myself. "Wait! Can you at least anwser how long you've been here? And are you going back to wherever you came from? How did you get here? And why are you on earth?" he asked loudly and quickly as I stretched out my wings and readied myself to take off. He began to take his phone out from his left front pocket, I couldn't let him post a single picture or a video of me because then that cause major drama on social media and soon they'd find out that he didn't photoshop me. I snarled then one of my long tails smashed into a nearby tree, making it fall and causing him to drop his phone and run. I didn't look to see if he got smushed or not as I turned around then leaped into the air and quickly flapped my four massive wings to get high in the air. I remained very high up and sped to my hill's forest. My twenty hearts were going alot faster than normal and my landing wasn't the best as I crashed into the trees, a good distance from the house but many trees broke and sounded like very loud gunshots. I snarled then growled as I stumbled back onto my six feet. "Very nice..." my other side said. "Shut upp... You were no help!" I replied loudly as I smashed my upper right long golden horn out of a tree's branches. My other side began commenting about me to our amulet and that made it chuckle then said something back to her. "Ugh!" I groaned as I looked around. "Okay, time to change back, sorry I couldn't feed tonight. "Yeah, you're certainly not even average to be a hunter, would've been a different grade if you ate him though..." she said as I then painfully started to change back into my tiny naked human form. The cold fineally hit me now that my scales receded back into my bare skin. I shivered as I searched for my pajamas, thankfully I found them on a rock and unharmed. "Tell me the time again." I said to my other side. "Zzz.. Okay, three o six p.m... fine a.m." she replied. "Sheesh." I said with my hands flying up in the air then I went to the house after I was dressed. I snuck back into the door then into the blankets of my queen sized bed of warmth. After my mind slowly calmed and I ignored my hungry stomach, I went into a deep sleep.
© Alphonis Kafel