The Farewell
Catherine Murphy is getting too old she is starting to loose her hearing. Calvin is helping, and taking really good care of her but Sarleen feels that it is too much. Here you go grandma a cup of cold water for you sit up now, and drink your cold water said Calvin thank you sweetheart replied Catherine. Oh Calvin I love how you are taking care of your grandma in fact speaking on that I heard from my grandson today he was just calling to check up on me said Sarleen. That’s wonderful to here how is Branden? Calvin ask he is doing fine he had him a new born baby boy, and he is at home taking care of him replied Sarleen. Wait does Branden still works? Calvin ask yes he does he is off today he only work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday but not Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday it’s my other grandson Jason that doesn’t work he is not able to replied Sarleen. That morning all three of them got ready for church they all went...