

Real events
I don't know what is worse being attacked everyday from people you love, my head feels like it's about to explode it's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, blood pressure is over the roof and I hate taking the meds because it makes me feel really bad and to top if off I'm getting no rest whatsoever because I have to be nuturing a newborn baby which equals no sleep and that alone making me cranky. It's not easy having kids compared to rasing them. Know what's even worse when people start to question your parenting skills has if everyone is perfect at it, I didn't give up my kids are decided to neglect them because my life is a little challenging I decided to tackle that challenge and fight it, but your good is never good enough to those haters and vampire that wants to suck your life away.
If there's one thing I've learned in life you can't please everyone and if you give your all and it comes to the point when you can't your persecuted as if you never did anything good in your entire life.
Sometimes I ask myself is this worth it all the ridicule and persecution that is cast at me from the closet people to me, it's really hard to over come negativity when it molded you from birth and the minute you try to break free of that hold someone comes along and speak badly over your life but I'm damn tired of them all with there mocking eyes and judgmental stares, I really don't care anymore what anyone wants to say because I realize there just jealous of my strength to be living in a hard world I would like to curse but I'm putting that kind of behaviour aside even thou at times I allow myself to be caught by anger and forget my values and the standard that I want to set for myself. It's not easy but let me tell you something it's worth it, never let anyone try to define who you are by saying bad things about you only are who they say you are unless you start believing it.
© Keryiann Mcneil