

In my search for freedom and peace of mind, I have crossed many rivers and drank from it but never satisfied. Later, I met this beautiful river and drank from it and the water went into my soul and I will be ever grateful even if l don't have the chance to drink from it again because the water still lives in me and the reality of our situation cannot be dismissed by the distance of the ocean.

The beautiful river was an irresistible one. In the first place, I cannot resist the prayers of a beautiful river. In my secret heart. I had flattered by the river admiration for me. We were mated yet we thoroughly agreed, and now I had to tell the story, which in every human probability caused so much in my heart

How many people, good and true people split upon that track? I can understand a man going crazy if he fails to find the source of a river; or fails to find his way into the heart of an unknown land or fails to find out that on which he has set his heart on, but to go mad over a river or rivers. Oh!! it is beyond my comprehension.

I have studied the world of nature more deeply than the world of man but must say this one thing: I have not yet met a river, which had not made mistakes. Many flows the right person, some flows to wrong person and find their way back to the ocean to start a new in search of the right one that is destined to drink from it.

Oh!! beautiful river, why should you deprived me upon all the efforts? You may flow to the coast of the blue sea but promise you one thing, if we are destined to be, you will surely flow to me and I shall drink from you forever.

Ebipadei Tokpo