

Written in 2022

The fresh air and just the pure sounds of nature, there is a rice field at the back and forest on the left side of it. It is my first time in this place yet I'm a little familiar, well I've been in a lot of places so I might have seen this before, but I just can’t remember.

We are currently waiting at our meeting place for the others to come before we go to our heading place. Everyone was chit chatting, but I was shocked after looking at them one by one and whispered to myself “Asian ain’t really raisin” . It seems like our last meeting was just yesterday, but four years have passed.

“Run! Run! Run!” someone is screaming.

“What the fudge!”- I uttered “-what sort of prank is this?” I added.

Some of our friends really run away without telling us what exactly is going on. Jean and I had seconds of eye to eye contact with a confused look on our faces and everyone was desperate to find a safe place, still without giving us a hint of what was happening. I went on the road where some of my friends came from and I saw smoke in the clip side which is on the other side. I was curious enough so I looked there. My skin hair starts rising, I get an eerie vibe. There are 3 men that are busy mixing something. It is meat but kinda creepy, it looks like human flesh or maybe because I just watched lots of cannibal, zombies and horror movies. I saw a woman and a man from a small cabin which is 30 meters away from our meeting place. They looked like they were in their mid 40s. The woman looked at me and placed her finger before pursed lips implying to me not to make any noise. I run back to Jean who’s also in a state of confusion.

There is a folk tale that there was an area with a group of cannibal people that just suddenly vanished and no one had an idea if where they did go or if they died or not . I saw my friends running towards the forest, but it was too late for me and Jean to follow them. A man that was a companion of the woman in the cabin seemed to be trying to block our way. Well, I’m not exactly sure I was just assuming because everyone was running. He seems harmless, yet I told Jean to run away in the rice field . I don’t know what has gotten into our minds because there is no such thing in our country and especially in our modern time, but they say it’s better to assure our safety than to trust those people that we don’t know. We are running as much as we can, but I haven't seen anyone chasing us.

“We have to meet in (gibberish words) they message me”- Jean says while we're running frighteningly. The men and the meat that they were cooking are still bothering me, I keep running like I lost my mind. I stepped on the root that caused me to fall on the ground and I felt like I woke in a dream and realized I hadn't seen my other sibling run in the forest with them or escape somewhere. Jean and I parted our way striving to survive to the possible danger.

I saw houses that were made in bamboo and anahaw with the paint of green, blue and red. It was on the other side of the road. I was assuming maybe I can ask some help or they can answer my questions, but there are no single people in these houses. I kept running but this time I wasn’t in the grassy land, I was on the road waiting and hoping for some vehicle and other people. I was about ¾ kilometers away from our meeting place. Pink flags and clothes are everywhere and I heard noises of people that I am sure are having a feast. I stopped running to ease the tiredness that I felt and ventured to ask for some help. I observed just for a moment, they are all wearing pink, but aren’t like us in a modern time. They seem like a tribe. There is smoke scattered everywhere and I heard a cacophony of different human voices that created a strange blend of the sounds. The pink curtain was covering the people there and I had a chance to see when the strong winds blew. There were some people dancing and holding spears, with a twist of human head on the top of the sharp part of it . I was trembling and my feet couldn't even take a step. It was as if my soul had left my body and I had nowhere to go. It’s much worse than earlier. My being came back to life when someone covered my mouth “Let’s run away together, don’t make any noise, just trust me” he whispered and grabbed my hand and we started running.

We almost passed that place and he said “Don’t stop from running, until I told you so”. I have been running for almost 20 minutes. I couldn't take my tiredness. When he assured us that we were far from that area, we decided to take a short rest.

“Are they real? Or might be there just have a shooting for some movie?”- I asked, I don't want to believe that it’s really happening. My mind keeps seeking reasons that they are not real.

“Yes, they are!”-he replied. We continued running, until we saw an abandoned track and besides of it an area that filled of garbage and there are a group children that playing near there, we finally feel a little safeness and we’ve seen houses that we are sure that those are unlike to the previouses and we told to the kids that they should better play not here and don’t go beyond in this area.

“We have to go to the police station and report them, I am not sure if all of my friends and siblings managed to escape in that nightmare place”- I told him while staring in the place of nowhere.

“No, we can’t”-he replied with a little loud tone of voice “-they won’t believe us! We must give them a lot of proof before they listen to us”-He added

“But I have to go back there”- with a helpless and hopeless tone , I walked headed somewhere where my feet would bring me without even giving a single look and glance of him. I was still in shock, the things that happened seemed so fast.

I went back there to our meeting place, going back to an incubus place — I drove alone, still hoping those assumptions of mine aren’t real. I never had news to some of my friends after that incident and my brother managed to escape with them but my sister never made it.

A woman standing outside in their cabin seemed expecting for my arrival.

“You want some fruit and vegetables, hija?”-she asked me with a welcoming smile on her face

“Let’s get inside, you are looking for your sister, right?, she’s fine.You are not a little too late?”-she added.

She is wearing a long black skirt and white blouse with a malong on her shoulder that I couldn’t identify the color. I don't know what to feel especially in her last sentence, I went inside the cabin with her. It is filled with different fruits and vegetables. There are strawberries, apples,mango, banna, orange, potato, sweet potato and other vegetables .

The heavy feeling inside my heart eases for a little , maybe they are not the bad guys here. They are far from those people cooking and dancing with human flesh.

“Where is my sister? Where is she?- I asked, but before she could speak any word someone grabbed my hand outside.

“Let’s escape from here”- a voice of a young man who seems so familiar for me

“But,I have to see my sister , or save her”- I replied with a desperate face and dolorous eyes looking around the cabin.

“She’s inside the car”- he replied

However , it was too late for us to go to the car. My sister’s mouth, hands and feet are tied up and there is a man beside her with a big body build up. He smiled and looked at us creeply .

“RUN!!RUN!!You have to escape here”- he is holding my wrist and starts forcing me to run with him.

“I have to save my sister” I said and started bursting into tears and he stopped.

“We have to escape from here to save your sister, you have to escape in this place, you have to run away if you really want to save her”- he stated with a calm voice.

I looked at him at this time on his face with a clear image of him, my world suddenly stopped.

Then I woke up bathing in my own sweat and realized the things that happened
He looks exactly like me, but a male version of me. He is right, I managed to escape there to save my sister.

I was in a room with a pink wall and I saw my younger brother and sister sleeping peacefully in a blue bed sheet, green pillow and red blanket. I stood up and turned on the fan because for sure my elder sister turned it off at this hour. I remember before I fell asleep I was reminiscing about the good old days in our province with my childhood friends and junior high classmates.


Once again , Thanks for reading, sorry for some ungrammatical errors and typo words.

Imagine by patpitchaya

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