

Life has no ends.
In the last episode, we read that Rounak called one of his friend to take Sijita to hospital.

Here what happens next :

" But Manek after that something unexpected happened......... " Rounak suddenly stopped & fear was reflecting in his face.

Manek asked, " Wh.. what happened next? ... you're freaking me out.. "

" Then a sudden call came to a phone which was kept on the floor... I thought it was of any of the gangsters... On the screen it was written ' H ma'am ' . At first I didn't pick it up, but then when I picked up the call , it was no other than Harisha's voice. " Have you finished your work? Hullo? Look havan is going here ... I wouldn't not be able to call you again... answer me .. hullo? ... " .. I cut the call.... I was shocked from my very nerve .. I have never thought that Harisha would do anything like that... "

After hearing all those, Manek got in tears... He said sorry to Rounak but asked, " If it was Harisha, not you, then to whom you were talking on the phone that day? "

Rounak continued, "I could clearly think that getting no answer from a call might have awared Harisha & she would surely try to harm Sijita again.... when I called my friend after 2 hours,I got to know that due to heavy blood loss Sijita had fell into hypovolemic shock.
But then I got a plan to put Sijita 's dress in one building with spreading some red droplets on the floor to make Harisha confirmed that Sijita is dead... & that .. that call was only to my friend so that he could put Sijita's coat there.. & then.. "

"Wait.. one sec.... but I heard you were speaking someone on phone & saying that, " You have taken Sijita to the old building? Thanks God... I was really scared to think of any place to sent her".... You were saying Sijita instead of Sijita 's coat... , isn't... why? " Manek asked doubtfully?

" Bro... when I saw your car, I thought Harisha would be the first to come, so I pretended to say so ... but your running speed was much higher than her.. & she took the advantage of that situation to put her husband in guilty & to prove her innocence. "

Manek again asked, " then what about the police 's reports? "
"I also doubted it at first as no one could claim a RAPE CASE by just blood clothes , so when I tried to reach them, & I got to know that they have been bribed by Harisha...
And from that very day I & Harisha are living separately.. "

" So where's my Sijita... I mean... is she.. is she not dead? " Manek asked in teary eyes...

" No brother ... How could she die when your love is calling her day & night.
After 3 months of that incident, she had fell into coma... but the good news is she has been regaining her consciousness from last 4 days.. " Rounak said these words & smiled.

" Where... how.. she is now? ... I want to see her.. " Manek asked..

Rounak said in relief, " Of course.... she is now at AIIMS delhi... They have reported me that she would soon come back to our home town, as she is recovering with good speed.. but before that we need to prove Harisha's fault. "

"Sure.... I will make sure that she also suffer from the same pain.. " Manek said in anger.

After 2 months,

Sijita & Manek are signing in one paper in the police station & Rounak was giving his statement.
" pls don't do this to me... what will happen to my daughter after me? "
Harisha said these words with teary eyes behind the bars.

" I think single parent would be best instead of abandoning her, isn't Harisha ? " Rounak just rocked by saying this in police station & the 3 of them then left the police station.

So here's the happy ending ending ending ending of my first ever long story with the proof that " What goes around, that comes around. "

.... Thanks for reading ......
© MSt-Saswati Priyadarshini