

Wings of Reckoning - Chapter Six: "Market Square"

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"I can't believe you that you had dragged into this," Rori exclaimed then she rolled her eyes. She's wearing wearing a blue dress with a black lace-up corset and a matching black skirt.

Rory and Kass are standing there in Market Square and watching Narcissa is going through clothes. She's wearing a pink puffy dress with white frilled white line went down her dress. Her gnome-like mechanical servants are with her and they are carrying a pile of fancy clothes.

"Sorry," Kass whispered to Rori. "She had putted me up to it. She was in my laboratory without inviting herself in. She was acting so weird and she was wearing kinky clothes."

"Did you make out with her, Kass?" Rori asked.

"Eww, no," Kass answered. Kass is wearing an olive green jacket, brown pants, and a tie. The outfit is complemented by a green vest. He's wearing black gloves to hiding his scarred hands.

"Now I believe you," she whispered back. "What a slutbag that she had seduced you."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Kass said with discomfort. "I have to deal with her for rest of my life as my queen."

" Sorry that I had heard from my da," Rori said.

"How about Narcissa's youngest brother Jarrell?," asked Kass with curiosity.

"That little creep was following me everywhere that I go after dinner," she replied.

"Rori, You're being stalked?," Kass exclaimed and he's shocked when he looked at Rori. "Did he see you change into your dragon form?"

"No, I hid in the cave when I took off my clothes and changed into my dragon form to go home," she replied. Dragon folks lived in village in the mountains,but the only way that's they have to use their dragon forms to fly up there. When he went to the cave and it was so dark, I roared at him to made him thinks that I was a bear."

They begun to laughed so hard.


Narissa looks at the fabrics in the shop and she has noticed the man who's running the shop that his eyes are like the eyes of the cat's and he have radiant black with brown streaks. He's one of the associal Dragon folks and he's the Tiger's Eye Dragon. His name is Tylodor. He's wearing a gold colored tunic with red trousers.

"Excuse, madam, Minervanians are unwelcomed," said Tylodor.

"How you dared you had said to your future queen?," Narcissa hissed.

"Do you heard me, Minervanian?" he yondered. "Take those damn filty machines of yours out of here." He's pointing her mechanical gnome-like servants.

"Don't say that to my servant gnomebots," She yondered back then she marched out of the fabrics.

Then there's a crowd of people are sharing at her and she has noticed that couples of them aren't humans. They have pearl-like skin. Their hairs are illuminated and they have gemstones as for eyes. One of them is a little silver-blond girl like 5 or 6 years old with diamond eyes in a a blue dress and she's hiding behind her mother's brown skirt.

"What are you looking?," shouted Narcissa. If you don't like it or not, I will be your future queen and everything will be change."

Narcissa had heard stories when she was little that dragons can take on form as humans and they used to be called "faes". Most of the stories that she had heard that female dragons had seduced men by luring them into the water in their humans then feeds off them in their dragon forms, and she had heard that they switched children with theirs with regardless of a parent's not knowing their child is a dragon. She heard some stories that they thrown parties for humans then drinks their blood.

" What's her problem?," asked Kasander's raven-haired girl friend. Narcissa has noticed that she have pearl-like skin like them.

"I don't have a clue," said Kasander.

The raven-haired girl walked up to Narcissa then she says, "I know a good place that serve best sweet cakes and good java."


They walked in a Java/bakery shop. There is a dragon folk girl is standing behind the resignation table. Her hair is sky blue and she's wearing a white frilled apron with light blue dress that matched her hair.

"Hi Angelise, " said Rori. Rori known the Sky Blue haired girl. She and Angelise came from the same village and they're close to being sisters.

Angelise is an Angelite Dragon and a sweet girl. Even her job matched with her free-spirited nature. "Hi Aurora, what can I do for you?," she asked. Oh hi, Kass, Where's Grayson?" She has crush on Kass's cousin.

"He and my father are out to doing business with Narcissa's father and her brothers," Kass replied; "while my stepmother and Narcissa's mother are making preparations for the wedding tomorrow. Anyway, is it okay that I have one of those honey cherry lemon custard-cream filled roll with dusting sugar and Minty elderberry tea, because I am not feeling great today."

"You mean--?," Angelise was about asked when she looked at Narcissa who's standing behind them with her mechanical gnome-like servants, then Angelise had turned toward them and she asked in whispered, "Is that the Minervanian Princess?"

"Yes, It is," Kass whispered back. "Be nice to her, okay?"

"Okay, I am having a vanilla bean hony java steamer and one of those sticky cinnamon walnut spiral rolls," said Rori. "What you would like to like, Narcissa?"

"Alright, I would like to have brown sugar oat milk iced Java," Narcissa replied."I also want the pastry that 'my dear Kasander' is having."

Kass ended up getting feeling embarrassed when Narcissa had said "my dear Kasander."

"Oh, okay, I will have those beverages and pastries to be out soon," Angelise said.


Few minutes later, they was about to eat their pastries at one of the table that decorated with floral fabrics.

Narcissa asked, "So, Rori, how long you known Kasander?"

"We knew each others since we were eight," Rori said when she's pulling pieces of her spiral roll and putted in her mouth. She started to feeling uncomfortable when she was talking to Narcissa.

Kass is sitting between them and drinking his tea while he is listening on their conversation.

"So we are getting married, how do you feel now?," Narcissa continued asked. "Do you still have feelings for him?"

"I guess I am kinda happy for him to getting married. I considers him as a little brother to me," Rori lied.

Rori have a feeling that something doesn't seem with Narcissa. She have a feeling that she can't trust Narcissa and the princess is hiding something.

"You know, my younger brother Jarrell likes you," Narcissa said. "He talked about you all time like how pretty you are and he said that he want to marry you."

It makes Rori feels uncomfortable when Narcissa has mentioned her brother's name.

Narcissa ended up taking a biting her pastry then she says, "This is really good. What's in this pastry?"

"Well, the custard mostly made lemon, sugar, egg yolk, and cream," Rori replied.

"What?!!!" Narcissa said in shocked and spitted a piece of pastry. "Egg yolk?! You guys are trying to poisoned me?!!!

"No," Rori replied.

"Is everything alright?, Angelise said when she came up to check everything all.

"No, Not everything is freaking okay," Narcissa screamed at her and splashed her drink at her. "I freaking ordered a iced Brown Sugar Oat Java, but you freaking gave me a whole milk Brown Sugar java steamer!!!"

"She didn't do nothing's wrong," Rory said when she stood up by taking Angelise's side and turned to Angelise then she says, "Are you alright?"

Angelise says "I'm okay." She's all covered in beverage.

Kass stood there motionless like a coward without helping his friend.

" I will get rid of you and replace you with my gnomebot servant after I will become new queen of Obreon, you wrenched creature," said Narcissa.

"That's enough!!!" Kass finally speaked up. "This is my city and you have to respect everyone in it after you becomes my wife, understand?!!!"

"No way, you can't talk back at me like that to your damn future wife," Narcissa screamed at Kasander then she slapped him much harder on his right side than his father tried to, and he fells off to the ground. She kicked him in the stomach then she whispered in his right ear in a malicious voice, "Let what our fathers will say about this," when she bended down.


When they had returned to the palace, King Nickolas and King Ramond are in raged after Narcissa pretended to played victim when she ended up faking crying. She lied to them that Aurora had embarrassed her in a front of crowd and told her that she didn't belong here as their queen.

" I forbid you, Kasander,to never talk and make contact with the Swordman's daughter!!!" said Nickolas in angrily when he is sitting at the end of the table in the concil room and Ramond is sitting among aside with his sons by Kasander's father. He is wearing a dark purple velvet coat which has gold embroideries along the sleeves. A golden chain necklace dangled above his chest. He looks so handsome and he was a man of authority and elegance as if he had a royal status.

"But Father, Rori is my childhood friend for eight years, " Kass said in shocked. "Now you are telling me that I can't see her again."

"Anyway, Ramond and I were concessing our business," King explained. He has been thinking that you should attend at the Minervanian Academy after the wedding until you will be maturity to reach Kinghood."

"Who will look after the citizens when you gone with those business meetings and I am away?" Kass asked.

"Grayson will be in charge when we'll be gone. He will watch Narcissa for you while you're attending at the academy with Narcissa's younger brother Jarrell, " Nickolas replied.

Kass is shaked by this,because he's worry that Narcissa will do something's bad to Rory while he is away and he don't want to get force to eat artificial food that made from plant or learn to kill dragons for fuel. He even don't want Grayson in charge. He feels trapped inside like a caged bird.

Jarrell putted his right arm around Kass's neck then he says, we will be good classmates, brother-in-law.