

The Maids (Part 9)

Part 9


Intro: The Steward head to the market to get costume for the night feast for the welcoming party of Lord Everly.

(Dialogue between Steward and the sellers).

STEWARD: Good day, please I need an earth color to match with my burgundy clothes. And I also need a pair of boots.

SELLER: I have an earth color cap to match your clothes, but the boots here are smaller than your feet. The cap cost 5 coins.

STEWARD: is that a price for a man's head or a cap? Don't be ridiculous I will pay you 2 coins.

SELLER: No make it 3 coins

STEWARD: (he removes the coin from his leather pouch) here you go.

SELLER: (pointing opposite to his shop) you can get your boots over there, she will have your size.

STEWARD: thank you.
(Steward walks toward another seller).

STEWARD: Hello, can I try this boots on to see if it's my fitting?

SELLER (WOMAN): go ahead

STEWARD: (he tries it on) oh! they fit properly, how much is it?

SELLER (WOMAN): 3 coins.

STEWARD: (he deep his hands into his pouch) Here you go.

(He hides the boots and Cap in his bag made from cow skin, then he walk towards his chamber).