

The Maids (Part 11)

Part 11

Intro: King Zarus lie down on his bed, and beside him is Queen Nuella and her two maids Faye and Lala.

QUEEN NUELLA: (Addressing Faye) get me another towel and a clean bowl of water.

FAYE: yes my Queen

QUEEN NUELLA: it is strange that we don't know the cause of his sickness. What exactly is the royal physician doing? (Addressing LaLa) call me the royal physician.

LALA: yes my Queen.

(Prince Celplas enters)

PRINCE CELPLAS: mother, you need to rest now, you have been attending to father for the past eight hours. Let the maids take over.

QUEEN NUELLA: I will not allow any maid lay hands on my husband. We are yet to find the cause of his sickness after his journey to the lake of Eigio and here you are advising me to leave him in care of the maids.

PRINCE CELPLAS: That's not what I meant, I was just worried about your health.

(A guard enters to inform the prince of a visitor from Northsay).

GUARD: My prince, a Chevalier of Northsay seek an audience.

PRINCE CELPLAS: very well, lead the way.

(The king's discussion room)

CHEVALIER LEO: (He bows) Prince Celplas, greetings from the king of Northsay.

PRINCE CELPLAS: please sit.

CHEVALIER LEO: The king send a message to inform you about the war in Sanfrost and he also send his greetings to your father, wishing him a quick recovery.

PRINCE CELPLAS: Thank the king for his great benevolence, I shall let my father know of his message. We have also heard about the war in Sanfrost. I know the king may be worried, since our kingdom rest on Northsay but I assure you we are prepared.

CHEVALIER LEO: very well then, I shall take my leave to inform the king of your decision.
(They shake hands and Chevalier Leo ride to Northsay).