

Chaos follower
And the handler asked her
-Why is everything connected to you in such a horrible state,I mean,I don't have anything against you but chaos is the word that fits you best.The real answer is crying for the truth?
-I just like to be different and that is my way of protest to the world.Some get high,others get drunk or smoke - I provoke and maintain disorder like a pensioner having a stroke.It is just natural to me.I don't like perfect oder and tidiness.It is not part of my style.If I were all perfect like the rest my sanity and identity would be to the test.
-You do know you can't succeed in life like that?
-I know.
-Your parents are not immortal.And you are of burden,probably your mom and dad have told you?
-Yeah,I do realise it.They have.
-And you feel no guilt?
-I feel but do I have to kill myself?
-Go abroad or in Sofia,this town is a cemetery for young people.
-Do you think I am crazy?
(quietly with shaking voice)- No,why would I...
next time I met him
-Do you take your meds?
-I do.
-Do you know what you have?
-bipolar type 2.So?
-then be normal and take them stop dwelling in the past I have spoken to your parents and they promised to change I trust them.
-I thought of you as the smartest man I have seen.I was wrong.
after that he perscribed me something I told him not to.
-I don't need abilify,my surroundings are not normal
-yeah yeah sure,buy aripiprazole.
-is it such a narcotic like abilify?
-no,how could you think I would do that....
read on the Internet- it's the same thing with a different name,no wonder I always despised medical workers....

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