

Fortune Box On Lock
The Lady had a cup of tea
And then looked at her watch
And said it should come about now
then they both look at this music box
on the lady's table. And sure enough
it opened and a man's ghost came out
oh he was a looker. But lost as a spirit
But he was full of information about
how we could sell cookies and cake
And do the best bakes to raise money
for the areas in need of fruit and vegetables. This covid time was hard
But the magic man in the box with a loud 🚨 got it started with racing
around the blocks. To be ready with the hose to put out any 🔥 that he scene
about. I wonder mister magic man can
you free the man who is good kin one
who was held and does not need to be
held. He can walk free to get to who
he needs to get to help him. Move around the world and fix his goof cart
To make scenes and dreams real
as he shows them what he has for sale
then sells his fill. To rent a room in a hotel and sit a spell to eat good food
To be treated well. Oh please let this be
how it should be. For the man has
had enough hell in his life to be about
now shining in the winds of a new Benz.
Flowing to and from his studio. Working
on something To get the world shaking
in the wind oh in mask back again.
poring the cold tea for them. Yes once
I am older I can fly around like I used to
But oh you young ones can. The music box laughed and said your wish is my command. Then we looked on as the
box got off the table and turned into
a lawyer and when to the case that released a man in a situation. Which
can now go free but yes it is cold in the
world so the old lady's raised money
So he could buy his own store. And now
he could live there to and survive like we
all surviving. With major crazies of A covid 19 and some variant nature
Which has us all washing and masking
And getting shots to live on so we can
continue to be strong in this world.
Where I lives an health have us somewhat limited in a state of so.e times
I can go out. But no like when I was younger.So I laugh and say ladys I will
join this century and fly around the box
To see where it goes. Oh you may not
come back oh it's a chance we take
when we step out our front door .
And just get supplies to help us survive
in a heat wave plus pandemic. Oh what ever is in the box can't be any worst
then what is in the real world. But it
was so and she never returned so we
all hope she found great fortune. As
we drink tea and watch the clock to
see if him or her come back through
that box.

© marwrote