

Nothing without you
It was a bright day with sunlight entering my room through window. I was laying on the bed scrolling my mobile continuously from the last two hours. My mom was calling me for lunch but i dont want to leave the game inbetween.
Seriously, I am fed up with my mom she always forced me to do things when I was busy in playing games . it is quite annoying. i always feel irritated but today she cross all the limits she snatched my phone when I was about to win the game .
I shouted, "What the hell do you want from me ? why you not let me play . "
Firstly she stared at me with those big eaty eyes and than throw my phone in the bed and went outside of my room.
I don't feel good after talking like this with my mother but she has to understand that I need space . she can't treat me like kid.
After playing for next 2 and half hour I feel like that mouse were playing in my stomach .
I put my phone on charger and went outside of room.
Mom, I am feeling hungry where is food , i shouted.
but there was no reply....
After moving around the house I find a Letter sticked on my door .

I am going to see my mother because she was ill . Now for the next week enjoy your freedom and don't try to call me for asking stupid things .

After reading this I give a sigh of relief.
Wow, it means now I am free to do anything i want.

Firstly, I went into the kitchen and took all the packets of snacks which mom usually hides from me. Than I took my mobile and again start playing games.

Hours passed but no one was there for calling me for dinner. I throw my mobile on the bed and went out side in search of food.
I took vegetables out of fridge for cooking but at last i burn them . I went to sleep with empty stomach and start thinking about mom how she always calls me for having food and my behaviour was always rude with her .

My eyes filled with tears and stomach start aching. Now , I no long want the freedom and privacy. I just need my mom.

In the morning, when a dim sunlight slowly enters my room I listen some sort of sounds from the kitchen. I slowly went out for checking and my mom was making tea. I ran towards her and back hugged her .
Wow, if I know that you will change like this then I will surely went to meet my mom every week, mom said.

Oh ,no Please you're not going anywhere alone . I will go with you wherever you want to go , I said in a deep voice.

Ok, but firstly go and brush the smell of snacks is still coming from your mouth, mom said and chuckles softly.

It is said that you will know the value of person once he lefts, today I feel it .

If you have a person in your life who always supports you and even a part of your life don't let him go until you don't have any other option.

(pic from Google pictures)

© khushpreet kaur