

Silent Affair
I cheated on you for another man. Lately, the sex with you wasn't the same and I just wanted to be touched. I wanted to be held and kissed and be catered to. You've been working a lot lately and haven't paid any attention to me and so I cheated elsewhere. And when we would have sex, it feels forced. I feel bad for cheating on you, but at the same time; I wish you would be here with me and made sweet love to me. I miss my best friend and my lover in you. When I'm with the other guy, he makes me feel loved. He gives me the attention you used to give me and I don't want to be with him. I want you! My heart belongs to you and it's sad that I cheated on someone I love. I miss sucking your dick and seeing you smile while I dominate your dick with my mouth. I miss the intimacy and deep connection we once had. When you started working more, I felt that you didn't want me anymore. So, I started spending time with myself at the park and I saw a beautiful man with his dog just walking by. He saw me and I saw him and we talked to each other. The more and more time we spent together, the more and more we started to fool around. While he and I made love, my heart and soul kept thinking about you. You're my best friend and you're my lover. You're my first love and I'm sorry again for cheating on you, but I don't want to keep hurting you anymore. The look in your eyes when I told you about the affair broke me, but I had to tell you. I want you and I miss you so much. I'm willing to end the affair with the other guy and I'm willing to work things out with you. I'm begging you to please not leave me. I wish I could kiss you and make love to you, but I understand you're hurting now and I don't blame you if you'd want to leave me. A part of me is still angry at you for working a lot and leaving me alone and sexless a lot. I remember the first time we first met. We were kids and we met through an acquaintance of yours. After we talked, we started spending a lot of time together and next thing you know, we ended up being boyfriends and my love for you was rising. The sex was always strong and the deep connection we had was special. But then, you started working a lot and I started seeing you lesser and lesser and the sex wasn't the same. We've been together for over a decade and the day I cheated on you was the worst day of my life. Yes, I cheated on you. Yes, I slept with the other guy, but I only did it because you were working a lot and I needed affection and intimacy. I wish I could look you in the eyes and hold you. I wish I could also kiss you and make love to you. You're the only guy who can make my dick go harder and harder and the only guy who makes my dick feel good. I'm so sorry for cheating on you and I'm so sorry for hurting you again. I'm still in love with you and I don't want to lose you. I know you probably won't take me back, but I want you to know that you're the only one for me and that we're meant to be together. You're the reason why I smile each and everyday and the thought of losing you scares me. I don't want you to leave me, but I understand if you left me. For the people out there who's thinking about cheating on their partners or have cheated on their partners, please don't make the same mistake I made. I'm currently taking a break from my boyfriend and I hope he and I can get back together.

© Josiah Bhola Hillaire