

Quench my thirst
Damian's pov
This life is so boring,I had come from a business trip and I just wanted to go back to my villa and get a good sleep.The driver had just come to pick me from the airport and I don't like sleeping in the plane,I looked at the front mirror to tell the driver to hurry up,I just want to go back and get some rest.Our family business had some problems in Asia so I went to fix it.It seems I had a traitor at my company.
Just when I was about to lay my head down for some sleep,there was a screech and I almost hit the front seat,the hell with this driver,I thought I told him to hurry up,but I did not think he was this bad at driving.
“What the hell.”I yelled.
“Sir,there's a body at the road.”he said,his voice was shaking.
“Can't you just pass it!?”God,I just want to go and get some sleep,is it that hard?
“Sir,it's a lady,she looks pale.”the driver said.
“Just ignore her.”I said
The driver started the engine and we started to leave the place.I felt unease.He started the car and he drove.
“Stop!”I don't know why,but I felt uneasy.
“Go back and check on the lady.”
The driver took a reverse and after stopping,he opened the car and went to check on her.I heard him knocking the window and i rolled it down,“She's too pale and her whole body is covered with bruises.”
“Okay,bring her in.”I opened the other side of the car and the driver carried her in,she looked so weak and looking at her,I guess she is escaped from some kind of torture because there is a bullet on her left hand just below her collarbone.I took out my phone and called Jack my personal doctor and also my best friend.
“Hey,meet me at the mountain villa,it's an emergency.”Then I hung up and turned to the driver,“drive faster and try your best.”
“W...wa...water.”her weak voice rang on my ear.
“Stop at the nearest stall and get some bottle of water,straw and something to stop the bleeding before we arrive at the villa,she has lost a lot of blood so far.”
Ten minutes later,we had packed at the front of a stall.He quickly went out and came back,after three minutes.He had a cotton wool,band aid and bottle.I rolled down the window and quickly took them,then rolled it up again.I opened the bottle,inserted the straw and placed on her lips,she sensed it and opened her mouth.She was about to drink the three quarter,but it was not good for someone who has not eaten or drank anything for quite a while,so took back the bottle from her.I wonder where she was taken and how much she went through.I covered the gun wound with a cotton,then bandaged it.
After about twenty five minutes,we had arrived at the entrance of my villa,there was my personal security who was controlling the gate from a secluded room.He was my most trusted security personnel,I guess by know he has already seen our car and pressed the open button,because the gate was slowly opening.James drove in,got out of the car and was about to run and open for me but I was already out.“There is a dying patient in the car,you should go and take her to my treatment room quickly,I know by now Jack has already arrived.”Then I walked in.The driver picked the lady and quickly followed in,the treatment room is well equiped with hospital facilities,so I know Jack wouldn't worry too much,I had already texted him her condition.I walked in the room,opened the door and let the driver in first.
Good thing my guess was right,Jack is already here.The driver placed her on the bed and went out.
“Hey man,you went out on a business trip and came back with a beauty.”Jack joked,he was preparing the infusion bag and some scissors or whatever to remove the wound.
“Man,I am so tired.You that fool I placed in the ICT department at my company,leaked our company plans the Simpsons' company.Fuck!I am so pissed of!”He injects her with the medicine to make her sleep for a while,and now he is dealing with the wound.But we like talking,he prefers talking when he is doing something serious to keep his mind occupied.
“Damn it!That fool of a man,you could have beaten the shit out of that asshole!”
“He is just giving me the fucking excuses of being forced to do so,but I don't take that crap of an excuse.I have done my investigation and it says he is a member of the Simpsons.He was fired with no reason,which makes me have my conclusions.”
“You know,I don't feel sorry for you,I know you already have a solution,like you are genius man!A fucking genius!”Jack said,he was done with the wound and now he was drinking some alcohol.Yes I am a genius but,it's not that I am bragging about it.Also I am capable of handling businesses,that is why my grandpa entrusted me with the company.
“You will handle her,I am going to rest.It's late,you know where to sleep,I will call one of the maids to clean her and dress her with something clean.”I walked out of the room,and ordered the butler to send one of the maids to clean and dress her,then went to my room.I opened my room,my huge kingsize bed was always there waiting for me,I walked to the huge cloakroom and changed my clothes,I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to the bathroom.As always,my bath was always prepared,I took off the towel and entered the basin then laid my head to get a good ten minutes rest.
At six in the morning,I was woken up by my phone,I really don't know why they can't let me sleep.
“Come back to the company,I am old.You are back,now you can continue with the company duties.”Oh,I really don't know why he is getting old,he is tired that nowadays he can't stay in the company for a short time.
“Pa,I just arrived,can't I sleep?”
“Just get your ass at the company,I am not going today.”
“Okay,I'll be there at seven.”Just when I thought I will get a few days rest,my father decided to come and destroy my sweet plans.
I got out of bed and went to get ready.
I walked in the treatment room and found Jack changing the infusion bag.He turned around and sized me then went back to whatever he is doing.
“Going to work.”he asked.
“I have to,dude.Pa just called me and said I need to go,he isn't going he is tired.”
“Yeah,that poor old father of yours,I mean dude,you have a brother but it's like you are the only sibling.”
“I just wish he was not that fucking stupid and help me,instead he is always playing video games and hanging out with girls.”I was really pissed off by the so cold step brother.I am planning on dealing with him,I am not fucking working for him!He just wastes money while I work my buts out daily,and also,that whore of his mother.
“Okay,I give the lady,two to three months,she will have recuperated by then and gained some weight...”but then he paused,I guessed he has seen something.
“What's the problem?”
“Uuhh...how do I say this...mmmh,it seems like she will be having memory problems,she might loose some memories or all her memories.”Just after he finished,the girl started sweating,shaking and struggling.“She has been having nightmares and saying things like,‘i don't know'and ‘I will not tell you anything'.Guessing from that,we have someone very important,and they might still be looking for her.”
“I will be leaving,I am going to stay in the other villa,so you just take care of her for now,when I have sorted my work,I will be back to check on her.”

© Sharzy