

Will We Survive??!! ( Part 5 )
Meanwhile, in college, Rayan noticed that Dev was constantly wiping his nose with a handkerchief.
Rayan - Mam, Dev's nose is bleeding. Did a zombie bite him?

Everyone became scared.
Preeti - Calm down, nothing happened to him. If you suspect everyone like this, none of us will survive.

Immediately, Dev started vomiting blood.
Tanisha pulled Dev and opened the door, barring him from the classroom.

Meena - Why did you throw Dev out?!!!
Tanisha - He would have bitten us all if he had stayed here.
Preeti - Tanisha!!! How many times have I said we should work as a team?!
Wait, Dev, I'm opening the door now.

After saying this, Preeti opened the door and brought Dev into the classroom, but suddenly he turned into a zombie. Dev bit Punam, Kriti, and Arjun.
Preeti - Everyone, get out of here quickly!!
Rahul - But, Mam, what will happen to them??!!
Preeti - There is nothing we can do, go quickly.

After that, Meena, Rahul, Urshita, Rayan, Lolita, Joysree, Nil, Rina, Tanisha, Subho, and Preeti reached the hall room, and fortunately, there were no zombies. One day passed like this.

Tanisha noticed bruises on Rayan's hand.

Tanisha - Mam, Ryan must have been bitten by a zombie.
Preeti - If a zombie had bitten him, he would have turned into a zombie by now.
Urshita - Mam, take him out of the hall room!!
Nil - Urshita and Tanisha, "Mam is right. If he was bitten by a zombie, he would have become a zombie by now."
Joysree - No, Mam, take him out of the hall room.
Rayan - Mam, I cut my hand on the door while running. Mam, a zombie didn't bite me, believe me!!

After that, everyone started quarreling among themselves and everyone blame Tanisha and she became angry.

Preeti - Okay, I am arranging to lock Rayan in a place.
Rahul - But, Mam, you also know that nothing happened to him...
Preeti - You understand that, but others don't, so I am doing it to gain their trust.

After that, Preeti stuck Rayan with some boxes. After about 5 hours, Preeti saw that Rayan had not turned into a zombie and told Tanisha,
Preeti - Now, you settle all the problems and become friends.
Hearing this, Tanisha wiped Rayan's hand with her handkerchief and cleared all the quarrels.

After 5 minutes, blood started coming out of Rayan's nose.
Tanisha - Mam, Mam!! Rayan's nose is bleeding. I already said he's going to turn into a zombie, but no one listened to me!!!!

Rahul - Rayan, don't worry. When nothing happened to you so far, it won't happen now. Don't worry...
Immediately, Rayan turned into a zombie. Rayan bit Lolita.

Meena - Lolita!!!!! No, you are my best friend, right? You are not a zombie. Listen to me!!

Rahul and Meena tried to convince them, but then Preeti saw their situation and threw Lolita and Rayan out of the window to save others.
Even though everyone felt bad, Preeti's decision was right.

To Be Continued.....

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